Kurain Lock and Trick (Active / OPEN)

May 04, 2009 20:05

Characters: Pearl Fey and anyone who wants to see her 8D
Content: One little kid, one HUGE city
Location: 17 W 32nd St - Hotel
Time of day: ohhh sometime in the daytime after THIS (feel free to reply over there 8D)
Warnings: excessive cute? idk

“You’d do anything for Mystic Maya, right Mr. Nick? Even walk across burning coals, right?” Pearl Fey had asked Phoenix Wright that once, more than once, and each time he’d given her a non-committal answer she couldn’t follow up with because he changed the subject quite quickly afterwards. Regardless, she knew in her heart that he would agree if he took the time to think it through. He’d do anything for Mystic Maya; she was sure of it.

It was that thought and that thought alone that kept her going that day and two nights on Eagle Mountain. It was cold and her acolyte robes were doing nothing to stem the frigid air. The heat from the incinerator helped a little once she attempted to burn the letter from her mother, but it was still really cold around her. She still wasn’t sure how she made it through, but she did, lonely though she was, and worried to boot. Mr. Godot’s coffee helped, even if it did taste really weird and really strong, but that didn’t completely help her fear for Mystic Maya’s safety. It was her fault Mystic Maya had come in the first place. If something had happened, Pearl would never forgive herself.

But now she was somewhere she didn't know. She'd tried to stay up again, but had fallen asleep, failing Mystic Maya yet again. Pearl was truly having the worst time ever. She couldn't remember leaving the mountain, nor did she know where she was. She'd tried to channel Mystic Mia and had no luck several times, which only increased her fears. How could she survive in this place without Mystic Maya or access to Mystic Mia? Had her powers finally given out?

Somehow, keysmashing her way through several different screens on the weird box-device, Pearl finally managed to type out a message and send it. She didn't know who she'd sent it to, but maybe with that and a little bit of waiting, someone would come find her... right?

lucian, mizumachi kengo, pearl fey

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