X-Men... assemble? (COMPLETE)

May 04, 2009 16:23

Characters: Megan Gwynn, anyone that finds her.
Content: Pixie is a little lost...
Location: Flatiron District somewhere.
Time of day: Morning
Warnings: None yet

Megan fluttered around, her dragonfly-like wings buzzing behind her. She wasn't sure where she was. No no, she knew this was Manhattan, she's been here before. Most of the students of the Institute have seen this island at least once. However it looked KIND of like Hulk played around here for a few months. Also while the humans she saw were giving her odd looks, they weren't disgust like most anti-mutant humans. A few did but she got a few people that thought she looked really nice. A few kids asked about her wings, usually everyone just... knew she was a mutant. These people had no idea about mutants.

Megan flitted about looking at the damages. David or X-23 would tell her to keep an eye on things, take every detail. She isn't like them, they could see everything here and just 'figure things out'. She'd just have to do her best! Things seemed very... wrong, this wasn't home. She knew about alternate universes, like that horrible place Limbo. This place was mostly normal, "Santo would tell me this place is filled with aliens or zombies..." Megan mused to herself.

"Guys... where are you all... Vic, Ben, Hope..." she mumbled the next part, "even Santo would be nice to see right now," She landed and kept looking around. She wondered why her wings hurt so much.

megan gwynn (pixie), roxas

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