(no subject)

May 04, 2009 22:45

Characters: Peter Parker (Spider-Man) and whoever finds him
Content: Manhatten gets a friendly neighborhood Spider-Man
Location: Times Square
Time of day: Noon
Warnings: Brightly colored spandex?

Ow, somebody get the number of the truck that hit me.

Peter thought as he picked himself of the cold ground, and rubbed his head. Not surprizingly he was still wearing his Spider-Man costume, He didn’t really know why he had been unconscious in the first place, he hadn’t been in a fight with a thug or anything. In fact the last thing he remembered doing was swinging around the city. Had he fallen from a building? But that couldn’t have been what happened, he didn’t feel like he had fallen, why didn’t he remember what had happened?

Suddenly Peter noticed something was off, something was very off. The city was quiet. Never in all of Peter’s fifteen years had he ever heard the city completely quiet, there was usually at least the ambiance of the traffic. But today there was nothing at all, and it was the creepiest thing in the world. To say he got the shock of his life when he finally looked around would be an understatement. Times Square, Times feakin' Square was destroyed, abandoned.

"No, this - this can't be real" Peter said aloud.

This was impossible. Peter was dreaming, having a nightmare. That had to be the explanation because this couldn’t be real. It just couldn’t. But it was too vivid to be a dream, too real. As he walked out into the empty street he was struck with a horrible panic, what had happened here, and what happened to his family, his friends? Did they get out of the city? Were they hurt, dead? Could he have prevented what had happened? It was a ridiculous notion, to think he could have done something.

peter parker (spider-man), danny fenton

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