All that time, she was silent still [Active, open]

Nov 28, 2008 21:57

Characters: Naminé, anyone who might be hanging around the Bryant Park Hotel and wants to find her
Content: Naminé's been returned home safe, but perhaps not entirely sound
Location: Outside the Bryant Park Hotel
Time of day: Evening
Warnings: None

So if you love me, won't you let me know? )

namine, larsa, goofy, sora, jeff andonuts

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Comments 20

optimistickey November 29 2008, 03:26:52 UTC
While it was late at night, Sora hadn't been able to sleep much...they'd searched all over the city, mostly in the surrounding cafes and stores, but still hadn't found Namine. Every hour gone by without success made Sora more and more if it wasn't bad enough from himself, he felt these feelings of fear compounded from Kairi, and Loz, and everyone else in the hotel. Losing her is NOT an option!

He was pacing up and down the second floor lobby area of the hotel when he thought he heard voices and noises outside. It was difficult to tell, since the hotel's walls were nearly soundproof, but it was loud enough to attract his attention. A few flights of stairs down and he was on the ground floor, already preparing himself to summon the Keyblade in case of trouble.

But as soon as he was near enough to the entrance, he saw a familiar flash of light blond hair.


He rushed outside the hotel to her, his heart pounding. She was back! But it wasn't the same as the last time she'd gone...she looked afraid, and freezing ( ... )


solidorstrength November 29 2008, 03:36:00 UTC
Larsa hadn't gone very far that night. He just wasn't up for a trek across the city in the dead of night with crabs running around. Their search had been fruitless and it left a sour taste in his mouth. The young emperor had decided to either sleep there or keep watch in the lobby or one of the first floor rooms, whichever it ended up being. At the time, he was as far from the entrance as possible, buried down in the lobby as he stared at a wall. His eyes didn't see the wall he was watching, as his mind was on other things ( ... )


coloringlife November 29 2008, 03:41:07 UTC
Naminé looked up only briefly when two of her friends--Sora and Larsa, if she could count the young emperor as a friend--appeared, before lowering her gaze to her knees again. She didn't acknowledge that Larsa had put his coat on her, but after a few moments she drew it a little closer around her.

"A man took me away," she answered Sora dully. "He said he wanted to keep me safe...then Marluxia came and took me back here."


triosshield November 29 2008, 03:45:13 UTC
Goofy had been holding down the fort while the others searched, hoping against hope that Namine would appear on their doorstep any second. He believed totally that they would find her, but even the knights boundless optimism had taken a hit when the search party had returned empty handed.

Still, there was a lot of other places she could be, and Goofy wasn't about to give up yet. He'd been on his way to give a cup of hot chocolate to Sora to try and cheer him up, when he'd heard his friend call out Namine's name.

Scrambling outside, barely avoiding scalding himself in the process, Goofy spotted the little Nobody standing on the doorstep looking absolutely miserable. Walking forward, Goofy knelt down and offered her the hot chocolate with a hopeful smile.

"Welcome home Namine."


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