All that time, she was silent still [Active, open]

Nov 28, 2008 21:57

Characters: Naminé, anyone who might be hanging around the Bryant Park Hotel and wants to find her
Content: Naminé's been returned home safe, but perhaps not entirely sound
Location: Outside the Bryant Park Hotel
Time of day: Evening
Warnings: None

Naminé hugged herself as she sat on the steps of the Bryant Park Hotel, beginning to shiver from the cold. Her favorite puffy jacket with the clouds-on-blue-sky pattern was back at the hotel room where that man Seymour had kept her, with her scarf and hat and mittens too; she had on the warm sweater and jeans she'd been wearing when Seymour kidnapped her, but it wasn't enough to keep out the chill out here. In spite of the weather, though, she made no move to go inside--hadn't, in fact, since Marluxia brought her back here.

namine, larsa, goofy, sora, jeff andonuts

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