Mar 10, 2010 12:00
Last night we watched the Oscar winning movie, "THE HURT LOCKER". As sometimes happens I find myself at the limit of how much I can watch. Yes, I thought it was a great movie and deserved the awards, but for me it is the single fact that the director, actors, etc. did such a good job that make it so difficult to watch.
Just watching the violence among men in those circumstances can send me out of the room.
About the middle of the movie I started thinking about posting a picture on facebook. Something I had been thinking about doing to get my friends from college thinking about another reunion. It has been 10 years now. So I got up and headed to the computer.
I believe that I am a person who identifies with characters in movies and books. I don't really think about it when I enjoy a movie or book, but when the action and words make me feel agitated is when I am learning to walk away. Although quite honestly it has been difficult to walk away after starting to watch something or close a book without reading every page. It takes a supreme effort. Dunk had me reading a book he thought was great this fall, I could barely make it through the first chapters. I can't remember the name but it was a guy being tortured and where his mind took him to get away from the pain. Yuk....
I wonder if my way of becoming so involved with characters is why I love historical fiction and actually learn from them, but find it difficult to place things historically from a text book. I have a friend that only reads non-fiction (biographies and such) and one that loves true life stories (about crimes and such.)
At any rate, there are so many movies and books out there, I am recovering from having to finish every one I start. It just isn't worth the time. Last night I obviously had better things to do.