Oct 19, 2004 17:23
seriously, feels like I'm heading for a disaster! why did I suggest a movie? wait, I know, I'm a cheap bastardo who likes to score on the freebies- no pun intended or illuded that that's how I am on a first date. Wait, most of you know I'm not like that so no worries. Giddy? that doesn't describe the anxiousness I'm heading for, I totally should have had sex today. probably shouldn't take any xanex- don't want to look like a pill head. thx for the wardrobe help Lee, sexy jeans will work for the movies. the movies? again, bad call. at least it's a sexist kind of film and Jude Law is complete eye candy for me, yumms. "oh Dallas! you shine w/ an evil eye! where'd you get buildings made w/ mirrors? why am I drawn to you tonight!?!" I love silver jews.