The Prestige

Oct 20, 2006 10:33

Went to see The Prestige yesterday. I loved this more than any film I've seen for a long time - I think it appealed to a large number of my personal kinks. It's basically about the rivalry between two magicians in the Victorian era, and the lengths to which they will go both to further their own career and to damage the other's. So we have period costume, obsessive natures, science vs magic (not in the way you'd imagine), ambition and lies and revenge. Really, I can't imagine why I liked it. Did not even think to check my watch once, and I actually can't remember the last time that happened at the movies. I was completely caught up in it.

Fantastic plot (in both senses of the word), great direction, pretty people, a touch of the supernatural, and the most fascinating themes - What would you sacrifice for your obsession - what would you do to be the best? How far would you go for revenge? If your whole career, your very life, is all about lying, how do you know what truth is anymore? And, how is it done? Hugh Jackman still doesn't do it for me, although I do concede he is good at what he does, but I may have to seriously start fangirling Christian Bale, as if I hadn't already after American Psycho and Batman Begins and The Machinist (also, Swing Kids, but I wasn't exactly watching that for him *g*). He's somehow become one of my favourite actors while I wasn't paying attention.

It was lovely to see David Bowie, too - his look has completely changed since I last took any notice of him, and it's a very appropriate role for him too, I think. (Andy Serkis is his assistant, in case you were wondering, although I had no idea until I looked it up).
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