West Wing vids

Oct 23, 2006 09:38

I still get the (very) occasional email regarding Comedy Tonight/Love is in the Air, the West Wing vid I made back in 2004. I was recently asked to re-upload it, so here it is, along with my other WW vid, for anyone else who might conceivably be interested:

Don't Cry Out Loud (4.5 MB)
Covers Hoynes' resignation, Leo's alcoholism, and their relationship. My very first vid.

Comedy Tonight/Love is in the Air (7MB)
Ensemble vid covering a variety of funny/romantic WW moments

Both were made on Windows Movie Maker.

Note that the image quality is what it is - these clips were individually captured into digital format from first- or second-generation video TAPE, an extremely tedious process. If I hadn't been so completely in love with the ideas I would never have done it. Comedy contains video clips from 80+ different scenes, and that's excluding the ones I captured and discarded in the editing process - after I finished it I swore I would never do another vid *g*.
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