The Prestige

Oct 20, 2006 10:33

Went to see The Prestige yesterday. I loved this more than any film I've seen for a long time - I think it appealed to a large number of my personal kinks. It's basically about the rivalry between two magicians in the Victorian era, and the lengths to which they will go both to further their own career and to damage the other's. So we have period ( Read more... )

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Comments 20

michelleann68 October 20 2006, 03:00:13 UTC
I was planning on heading out to see this on Sat, now I think I will make sure to go, I have been worried that it would end up link the Illusionist.. and fall flat, but is sounds good. Thanks for the info.

Side note- heading to see Company tomorrow.. I am getting excited for it.


daasgrrl October 20 2006, 03:04:57 UTC
I actually read in a review that it was 'up against' The Illusionist, which I've actually heard zero about, not even who's in it or what it's about, so I can't really make the comparison, although I'm interested now.

I love Company! Hope you enjoy :)


michelleann68 October 20 2006, 03:13:01 UTC
In a nutshell, it had period going for it.. lovely costumes. It is about, pride, revenge, and illusion. It had Ed Norton, who rocks the world in it, it has Paul Giamatti, who plays the same kind of guy he always does, and Jessica Biel, who IMHO is the WEAK link, and some contrieved plot points in the last act.

Overall not horrible, I don't regret seeing it, I would have like a more compelling herione,and I might have forgiven some of the weaker points.. hopefully that was general and non spoilery enough.

Re: Company- I am getting excited to see it, I have a general idea of it, but am looking forward to experiencing it live and in person.


daasgrrl October 20 2006, 03:21:32 UTC
Thanks for the summary - I looked it up, and yeah, I think it's very different. I'm not really a 'romance' person so the whole For The Love of A Woman thing makes it a bit unappealing. Nice costumes, though. Much less of a romance angle in The Prestige, I think - there are women but they're mostly used as adjuncts to the story.

Hope to hear about Company - it's really fun.


asynca October 20 2006, 03:41:14 UTC
I never know what's showing at cinemas unless someone specifically recommends something. This is as good as a rec to me; I know what I'll be seeing when my exams are over! Any scope for hoyay?


daasgrrl October 20 2006, 03:46:11 UTC
Surprisingly, I'm not someone who instinctively sees hoyay *g*, but yes, there definitely could be if you wanted there to be. But it didn't really have that vibe to me as such.

I know, I only heard about this movie because tessaract_5 mentioned it and then I saw a review later on. Hope you see it - love to hear what you think! :)


asynca October 20 2006, 04:33:32 UTC
I usually instinctively see hoyay; however I didn't see it between House and Wilson until I had a better understanding of the characters. I think that speaks volumes about the complexity of their relationship... (can you believe I started off as a Ham muncher?!)


daasgrrl October 20 2006, 14:00:53 UTC
Yeah, me neither... I thought it was nice House had a friend, but it took a while for me to think, hmmm, slashy! And then of course it was blindingly obvious and I wondered how I'd ever missed it.

You... Ham... that's a very... brave... admission... ok, you're scaring me now... *backs away slowly*... ;)


perspi October 20 2006, 03:52:09 UTC
Oh, I am so excited about this movie. I'm glad to hear you liked it! It's the first movie I've been excited about since X-Men 3. *happy dance*


daasgrrl October 20 2006, 14:01:40 UTC
Hee - I haven't seen a single X-Men. I kept meaning to, I just didn't. Would love to hear what you think!


teflon_woman October 20 2006, 04:45:05 UTC
Christian Bale was in Swing Kids? I really need to re-watch that movie (I even have an H/W plot bunny on my hard drive that's inspired by it), but ouch, holocaust movies...

It's quarter to one in the a.m. and the guy downstairs is practising piano. It's nice, but I've got to go to sleep soon. Maybe earplugs will do the trick... They just moved in last week; I hate to play the bitch already.


daasgrrl October 20 2006, 14:03:27 UTC
He was! He was the other guy *g* (ie The One Who Became A Nazi). Feed the plot bunny!

That sucks re the neighbors - I hope they either C+D or that you can manage to successfully 'handle' it.


evila_elf October 20 2006, 08:52:55 UTC
oooh! I'd seen previews for it, but had forgotten when it was coming out! Looked very good. Need to see if it is playing around here (only 4 movie screens in my town--a 3-screen and a 1-screen)


daasgrrl October 20 2006, 14:04:48 UTC
You were/are a Christian Bale fan, no? You should love this.


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