As The Rest of His Body Stars to Decay

Jan 31, 2013 20:04

That's exactly how I feel right now... blarg.

I'm in a group call, but I've muted my mic, and muted skype, so they can't hear me and I can't hear them.
I don't know why, but I feel really depressed all of a sudden :( I guess it's because I'm scared about July again...
It just seems like EVERYTHING is against me... and I'm just so scared that I won't be able to go...
It's all I want this year. Seriously. I just want to go see Alex. Why is it such a hard thing to ask for? Why must life continue to beat me up and kick me when I'm down?
I just want to be happy.

But no, for someone like me, that's just not allowed. I'm not allowed to be happy. I'm never good enough. For anything. For anyone. I'm just... I'm worthless.
I'm also really sick of being stuck here. I need escape...
I miss the country.

I'm just having a pity party. I know I don't update on here much, but I still do once in a while. Just not enough, I guess :P
Anyways... packed most of my suitcase tonight. Headed to NC early Saturday morning. Alex is sad cos I won't be around to talk to him most of the days I'm there, but I'm excited because... dude... MOUNTAINS <3 and country :D can't wait! I miss the country SO MUCH. And the open road. Dad's good road trip company... I just half listen to music, and keep quiet, and he just drives the truck and shouts at drivers xD

...pleh. I'm just gonna close.


depressed, bored, alone, sad

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