prompt me (um...five of you, that is)

Dec 30, 2008 19:31

Sick of my in-progress fic but feeling creative tonight. Would like to be nudged, to see what comes out.

First five people to respond to this post with a character or pairing + prompt (please do keep it suggestive and simple) get 200 words. ETA: Got 'em. Can't promise it'll be an honest-to-goodness story ('cause, Jesus, that's hard to do in a ( Read more... )

fic: crossover: bsg/firefly, fic: lost, pairing: brendon/jon, rpf: bandom: patd, fic: crossover: b&s/lost, pairing: alex/claire, comment fic, prompts

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Comments 22

alissabobissa December 31 2008, 01:52:14 UTC
I would love Kevin Walker on Lost Island or one or a few of the islanders at the Walker's. Need a prompty word? How about 'fake'? :)


wherein there be mentions of slash, owing to the fact that mr. walker is not of the heterosexual cynthia_arrow December 31 2008, 02:57:02 UTC
[couldn't make my inner Kevin Walker flail and snark properly, so you'll get him second-hand. If I can work him up into a good lather later, I'll post something from his POV ( ... )


Re: wherein there be mentions of slash, owing to the fact that mr. walker is not of the heterosexual alissabobissa December 31 2008, 03:24:06 UTC
Very nice, me likey. Thank you. :)

I love your Sawyer in this. LOVE! And if you can coax some Kevin snark out I'd love it any ole time you can come up with it.


Re: wherein there be mentions of slash, owing to the fact that mr. walker is not of the heterosexual cynthia_arrow December 31 2008, 04:17:48 UTC
Oh, ahaha. I ♥ your icon. :)

Glad you enjoyed it. I'll work on the Kevin snark. It's in there--I can hear him as clear as day--but it refused to be rushed. Anybody in particular you'd like to see at a crazy Walker dinner?


bachlava December 31 2008, 01:59:28 UTC
LOST: Claire/Alex, "alive" or "mother."


cynthia_arrow December 31 2008, 03:19:54 UTC
[set very vaguely during the mass exodus to the radio tower in 3.22; and, um, ignoring Karl's existence…unless this is more of a gen thing than a pairing thing. it could be read as either.]

They camp in the jungle on the way back. Claire hates it, still has nightmares about being taken; but the whole island is a nightmare-except for Alex, the one good thing that ever came to them out of the jungle.

"Are you freaking out?" Claire says. Alex has her head in her lap, for once submitting to having her hair stroked, the back of her neck rubbed until the tension falls out of her shoulders. Claire thinks it's because of her mother, both the reason she's tense and the reason she's letting Claire take care of her.

"Are you?" Alex says. "I know my mother-"

"Shh," Claire says. "I'm not freaking out."

She's surprised to find that she's not. Maybe it's because of my mother, how she can somehow separate that from Danielle, the crazy Frenchwoman who stole her baby. Now, she can understand why ( ... )


bachlava December 31 2008, 04:06:55 UTC
OMG, this is perfect. It really could fit into canon that way... and it's a perfect take on Claire, who canon so often gives a short shrift. You are awesome - so, so, so many thanks!


cynthia_arrow December 31 2008, 05:19:49 UTC
Glad you liked it, and that I wasn't straying too far from canon. I want to like Claire, but sometimes I can't, not the way she is on screen. Thank goodness for the restorative, exploratory powers of fanfic, right?

Thanks for the prompt. :)


lyssie December 31 2008, 02:03:40 UTC

Crossover: Firefly/BSG, Zoe and Sam Anders, post-Maelstrom, post-Serenity.

Grief is easier to ignore when there are things to blow up.


cynthia_arrow December 31 2008, 04:16:29 UTC
They only found her because she got in a fist fight with one too many fellow miners aboard the Majahual and the frustrated captain of that vessel (who wanted to keep her but didn't know what to do with her) finally kicked her to the Galactica. It was a good damn thing; the woman was tough enough to be a miner or even a marine, but she was meant to fly.

She had no trouble saying sir. If she had, Sam wouldn't have been able to share air with her. If she'd been short and blonde and possessed of a quick wit and an even quicker grin, he might've refused to train with her. But she was tall and dark and quiet; quietly sardonic, too, if one could get her to say anything that wasn't strictly required for her job. So she sat behind him, his ECO in the sims as long as he was pretending to fly a raptor, and he didn't hate her. Didn't really know her either, but he assumed that was the point ( ... )


lyssie December 31 2008, 13:05:08 UTC
*gleeful* This is awesome. I may come back and gush later, after work.


cynthia_arrow December 31 2008, 19:40:46 UTC
Hey, if it's awesome, it's because you came up with such a nice scenario, so thanks! :)


themoononastick December 31 2008, 02:09:02 UTC
Brendon/Jon, prompt = my icon. (sorry, it's way too late to come up with a wordy prompt)


cynthia_arrow December 31 2008, 05:58:39 UTC
[okay, so this is what's coming out right now, which is weird because I've been in a Brendon/Jon mood lately and should theoretically be writing something lyrical and lovely and sexy, but no, this is what comes out. *sigh* Expect something else later, bb, okay?]

He would really love to tell the techs and band he left behind about what kinds of divas and bitchfaced assholes the Panic guys are, how he can't wait to be done filling in on bass for them, but it would be a lie. He likes them, he really does.

Sure, Ryan's pretty weird--nervous and cranky and almost impossible to have a direct conversation with--but he's actually pretty cool in sort of a charmingly nerdy way, and besides, Jon just gets him somehow. What ought to be awkward isn't. Okay, so it's a little awkward with Spencer, but that's fine. It'll pass. Spencer's just a cautious person. Only someone who didn't take the time to really see him and figure him out would mistake his frowns and poorly-timed forthrightness for actual doucheyness. Spencer Smith is really ( ... )


themoononastick December 31 2008, 18:25:11 UTC
But, but... it is lovely AND sexy, and lyrical is way overrated. :) Also, I am totally in the mood for pre-Panic Jon and just-joined-Panic Jon at the moment so it's actually kinda perfect. Also, also: hot!

In conclusion: thank you, bb, I love it. ♥


cynthia_arrow December 31 2008, 19:40:07 UTC
Glad you liked it. ♥

But I do have another snippet in my head. Give me a couple of days to get clear of the new year (and the company in my house), and I'll write it up and spam you with it.


daybreak777 December 31 2008, 02:11:28 UTC
HP, Harry/Hermione, the night Ron leaves, prompt: fire


cynthia_arrow December 31 2008, 18:40:00 UTC
Sorry, ran out of steam last night, and today's turning out to be busier than I thought. But I promise--once the holiday is over (probably Friday), I'm coming right back here...even if I have to go against my instincts for Ron/Hermione, lol, because this is a great prompt. :)


daybreak777 December 31 2008, 18:46:22 UTC
Woo-hoo! I can't find much Harry/Hermione these days so I'm happy for anything! I can wait. :-)

You go have a happy holiday! Hee, I will be curious what you do with the prompt. :-)


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