prompt me (um...five of you, that is)

Dec 30, 2008 19:31

Sick of my in-progress fic but feeling creative tonight. Would like to be nudged, to see what comes out.

First five people to respond to this post with a character or pairing + prompt (please do keep it suggestive and simple) get 200 words. ETA: Got 'em. Can't promise it'll be an honest-to-goodness story ('cause, Jesus, that's hard to do in a double drabble), but it'll be words, and it'll hopefully be interesting to both of us. Give me time parameters if you want. A wacky crossover might amuse me, too, so you could try that.

Gen, het, slash, femmeslash. Whatever.

ETA: So far:
1. Kevin Walker (B&S), most eligible bachelor on Craphole Island (Lost)
2. Alex/Claire, circa 3.22 (Lost)
3. Zoe (Firefly) and Anders (BSG) want to blow shit up
4. Brendon/Jon, circa Jon's days as a fill-in (bandom RPF)

fic: crossover: bsg/firefly, fic: lost, pairing: brendon/jon, rpf: bandom: patd, fic: crossover: b&s/lost, pairing: alex/claire, comment fic, prompts

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