Mark and I returned from Charm (a few hours ago already) and well I'm braindead for now... tired, really tired. Thats why we left early this sunday
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Last weekend Mark and I went to celebrate Mabon, the start of the fall. It was an awesome day. We learned how to make a new sheet of paper from all other pieces of paper, by hand. And we learned a lot about the Egyptian book of the dead, which was very educational and interesting
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I had a financial "meevaller" last week. My health insurance will pay me 224 euro back from last year. Since I didnt claim much of my heathcare and such. So thats good and of course that was an oppertunity to finally buy some fun stuff again
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As some of you might or might not know, i was on Moonblade this weekend.
Here are some highlights (it might be that you wont understand it unless you were there ;) ) Our chars were an innkeeper (me) and her slave assistent Foppe
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I just recived FFT advance ^^ Mark ordered it for me through e-bay. And the package totally cracked me up since it said Cynni van der Laan. LOL! Mark if you want to marry me, you can just ask ;p
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I have decided that i will write this now instead of waiting for some picture material to back everything up. More and more details are slipping from me and when i actually do have pictures i wont have a story in my head to tell anymore ;P So without piccy material: ( Koneko's 2nd report )