The bottom line is in the subject line and is self-explanatory. Budget is probably the most precise descriptor of the true strategy of a company, not the one stated on the website and glossy booklets. Implementation of a strategy depends on (at least) two things - crating the right system of incentives for people to drive the organization to where
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One who is surprised, dismayed or shocked by the Wall Street (or any other street for that matter but I mean the banking community) behaviour, I would suggest to think about the motivation of a, say, a loan executive
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For a very long time (definitely more than since last Friday) , had an itch to share my infinite wisdom of survival in the corporate environment and telling the world all the truth about how things work (or more often do not work). :-)))) Since I have been too lazy to write a book (and even to start one) starting a blog seems to be the right way to
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