Drabble: DW: Twilight's Last Gleaming

Jul 03, 2011 13:14

Written for dw100.

Title: Twilight's Last Gleaming
Fandom: Doctor Who
Muses: Sixth Doctor, Peri
Challenge: 349: Incendiary
Rating: G
Words: 100
Summary: Things aren't always what they seem.

The Doctor leaned back, long legs stretched out before him and hands resting behind his head. Overhead, the night sky was the perfect backdrop to a spectacular display of fireworks. Glorious bursts of color filled the sky with dazzling light and thunder.

"What are they celebrating?" asked Peri. "Independence? A holiday?"


"Someone had a baby?"

"Not yet. They're working on it." He glanced at his companion. "What you're watching is the actual process of procreation for their species."

"Oh," said Peri in a small voice. "They're, um, very-" What was the word?

"Energetic," supplied the Doctor. "Very energetic."

dw100, dw fic, drabble

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