Ficlet: HTLJ: Horse of a Different Color

May 26, 2011 22:42

"Whoa!" Iolaus pulled up short when he caught sight of the four massive stallions on the other side of the fence. "That's them?"

"That's them." Hercules pointed to each as he named them. "Aithon, Phlogios, Koabos, and Phobos."

"And they really breathe fire?"

"If you don't believe me, get a little closer to the rail."

"I'll pass, thanks." Iolaus continued to stare at the steeds.

"Not quite what you were expecting, are they?"

"Well, no," Iolaus admitted. "I thought they'd be, I dunno, more fearsome. Black. Eyes like burning coals. Hooves of flame. But now that I see them, they're just so … so … what's the word? Pink!"

In fact, they were a shockingly absurd shade of pink that couldn't possibly occur in nature.

"They are, aren't they?"

"It's not exactly Ares' style."

"Well, my sister may have had a little something to do with that," he admitted.


"Because it's Aphrodite's favorite color?"

"No, I mean, why do it at all? Won't Ares be furious when he sees his stallions looking all pink and girly?"

"Of course he will." Hercules grinned. "Can you think of a better reason?"

Fandom: Hercules the Legendary Journeys
Words: 190
Rating: G
Note: Written for DW's Musing_Way community, prompt 103.

htlj fic

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