Blow Job: 1/4 oz Bailey's Irish cream, 1/2 oz Amaretto almond, whipped cream.

Jul 24, 2007 14:55

Tuesday. More of the same. Not much to update... hmmm...

I don't talk to anyone much anymore, not sure where people are in their lives, but I suppose I would likely hear something if it was bad enough.

Miss some people, don't miss others, pretty standard. But maybe I'll try to start a fight in the next few days or hurt myself in some really strange and unrealistic way and then I'll have something to fill this space with. Cool! I'm looking forward.

Til then I'll continue to bore you all with knowledge. It is time to learn folks.

Attempting to follow up on previous email messages which have gone unanswered.
Employee: "Jim isn't responding to my email requests to shut down the Hope Creek nuclear power plant before the East shore of New Jersey is a radioactive wasteland."
Boss: "Well, remail him. Maybe he's just busy."

Valentine's Day
The reason so many people are born in November.
”I was born in November because my parents celebrated valentine's day.”

Doing multiple slacker-esque things concurrently.
”I'm the king of multislacking. I spend hours a day surfing the 'net, watching random TV shows, and eating week-old pizza.”

Cy's cow fact of the day: Cows can have regional accents.

-Cave Canem-
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