No alcohol today.

Jul 26, 2007 09:58

Went out to the bar with Chad, Chris, Dave and Aimee last night. Had a pretty good time and took some good pictures. Nice to relieve some of that tension that builds up during the day and complain about work to other people who can relate. But enough about my boring life.

I just saw something on the news that is bothering me. It's this story about a cat that is walking around and predicting the death of elderly folks in a nursing home. I guess in at least some 25 cases this cat has laid down next to someone in the final hours of their life. According to the Washington Post: "His accuracy, observed in 25 cases, has led the staff to call family members once he has chosen someone." The woman I heard reporting the story claimed it gave her goosebumps when she first heard the story.

I got goosebumps when I heard this as well but for completely different reasons. Why is it only obvious to me what is happening?? Honestly people, why don't we all just turn a blind eye to what's going down. This is an obvious case of an assassin cat. Why is everyone else blind to the fact that this murdering feline has racked up over 25 kills and is still free to roam the nursing home?? I'm at a loss for words and to be honest a little disgusted that our justice system has completely ignored this.

Oscar needs to be stopped, but what can just one person like me do in this situation? Everyone around him loves him and thinks he is this perfectly behaved cat... how would I even stand a chance? Whatev.

I'm going back to work and trying to ignore the ignorance of these people. I only pray that if I were in their position I wouldn't be so easy duped.

Now learn something new.

**For a change up, why don't I throw some anagram's your way and see what you think. If you have any of your own feel free to post them.**

Anagram: (for those that do not know) is a type of word play, the result of rearranging the letters of a word or phrase to produce other words, using all the original letters exactly once. The goal, typically, is to produce anagrams which, in some way, reflect or comment on the subject. Such an anagram may be a synonym or antonym of its subject, a parody, a criticism, or praise. Here are some popular ones.

Desperation = A rope ends it
The Morse Code = Here come dots
Eleven plus two = Twelve plus one
Princess Diana = End is a car spin
The eyes = They see

One final one for today:

"That's one small step for a man, one giant leap for mankind."
"A thin man ran; makes a large stride, left planet, pins flag on moon! On to Mars!"

A couple definitions for today and you're all set to go back to your daily lives! (And more knowledgeable than when I found you!)

Couching distance
The distance one can reach without leaving the couch or sofa.
"That job is too far; it's not within couching distance."

A form of storage for clothing which requires no hangers, drawers, doors or effort. Simply drop on the floor and you have a floordrobe.
"We have a very stylish colonial-style his and hers walk-on floordrobe at home."

hater tots
Like haterade, the figurative snack you consume when you're hating on someone.
Asshat 1: "He acts like he's the shit because he has that Mercedes SLR."
Asshat 2: "Man, you need to cut down on all those hater tots you've been eating."

-Be well-
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