May 07, 2011 14:22
I was pissed at my boyfriend pretty much all week. But yesterday was a miracle.
We walked around his neighborhood and sat in this ginormous green field with tiny flowers and just TALKED. In caps.
It was crazy. I sorta just said my feelings and we were on the verge of breaking up, when I asked him one last time what he was thinking, what he felt. This time, he didn't shrug or go "blehh, I don't know," but he came out with his true feelings and told me why he acts like he does. It was perfect. I was beaming and said how great it was that he told me all that... and then turned to find him crying on my shoulder.
So long story short, we got everything settled. And now everything's a bit more innocent and normal, back to where it was a few weeks ago. :D Can't say how happy I am.
But THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your advise and understanding <33 I really took it all to heart and appreciate it more than I can say.
My AP US history test went really well yesterday morning. And I took a US History Sat ii this morning that didn't go quite as well, but still pretty happy that it's all over. Only AP English next week and a music competition in New Jersey next week. Then orchestra concert the following Monday, then FREEEEDOM!!!! For a few weeks, at any rate. Then finals start up! YAYYY X__X
haha, well love you all and thanks so much for your readingness and help <3 XD
ap exams,