Queen het fic I just found

Jun 05, 2011 17:10

Kept forgetting to post this. Will update on personal matters when I have a fucking second to myself. XD But love you all! <3

Wrote this drabble about a month ago at the request of a certain boyfriend. Hope you like it! :)

Title: If You’re That Way Inclined/An Invitation you can’t decline
Author: Cutothechase (me)
Pairing: het - Freddie/party girl
Rating: R
Timeframe: late 1975
Summary: Freddie gets playful at a party celebrating Queen's new album's release

She beamed over at Freddie, and he couldn’t help but throw a wink back, causing her to erupt in silent giggles. She was simply glowing, or perhaps everyone else at the party was only a million shades duller in comparison, he mused, picking a strand of Brian’s hair off his fantastically purple jacket.

It was settled, then. He needed her.

He slid through the crowd gracefully, only coming to a stop when he was inches from the younger girl, as if his journey was powered by an invisible force.

Their gazes collided magnetically and she swayed on her feet, shivering slightly.

Nothing needed to be said. It was all planned in one look. It was beautiful, almost as beautiful as her.

They dragged each other through the mingling party crowd again, Freddie ignoring all the congratulatory comments from old friends and the press. He hated being rude unless he was only responding to someone else’s previous rudeness. And what could be more dastardly than interrupting him right now, at this very moment, when there was absolutely no time to lose?

She brought to an alcove in a desolate hallway.

At least he thought it was deserted; he couldn’t even stand to do a double-check before they began.

Her head tilted back in a moan, though he covered her mouth possessively with his own before any sound could escape.

“Do you like me, darling?” he asked her curiously as his fingertips slid up her round thigh.

He had lost all faith in women since Mary Austin, but now he felt he was ready to trust a girl again. Even if it was only for the night.

“I don’t know yet,” the girl replied, her fake white teeth gleaming in a smirk before she drew them over her lip and bit down hard, so the plump pink flesh underneath begged for attention. At the same time, another part of Freddie’s anatomy was also demanding to be noticed.

“How about we find out, my dear? Do you think that seems fair, my pretty?”

She tilted her head as if contemplating the matter while her eyes scanned Freddie’s body and then, without warning, she squeezed her palm over his dick.

He drew a sharp intake of breath and her eyes quickly turned back up to study his facial reactions. She rubbed him once through his skin-tight pants, but her hand was gone after he let out a low moan of longing. She seemed satisfied enough with her findings.

She brought her lips to his ear, nibbling gently before throwing her voice into a sultry whisper. “Upstairs. I’ll give you five minutes. Don’t be late.”

She turned to leave, but he grabbed her arm and kissed her wetly on the mouth before she could step away.

“Upstairs,” he growled, “Right…now.”

Their lips attached heatedly again, and a minute later, she broke away, peering around before ramming him backwards into the nearest wall.

“How ’bout we just skip the whole upstairs business,” she whispered huskily, her eyes gleaming with lust, “And you just do me right here. Right…now.”

“With pleasure,” he purred in return. He liked her.

queen, freddie mercury, fanfic

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