Seriously, fandom? SERIOUSLY???

Jan 19, 2012 21:31

I have no words, actually. No words at all.

However, I'm still forcing myself to write this entry, because I just can't stand by and watch and let this happen. Sorry, I can't.

It's just the kind of person I am; you can attack or insult me all you want, but hurting someone dear to my heart is an entirely different matter. Even more so if that person is hurt totally undeservedly, and in a manner that makes me feel sick just knowing I share the same planet with certain people.

Those who know me will no doubt realize that those are incredicly strong words for me, and I'm not choosing them lightly. However, in this matter, I'm actually tempted to use even stronger words.

What happened?

As Albert Einstein once said: "Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."

Today, I found out about something so outrageous, so insane I still can't wrap my mind around it. And this needs to be addressed. Desperately.

I will not re-tell the entire incident leading up to this. For those who are interested, the long story and further links can be found here.

Edit: Because there seems to be some confusion about this - I just added this information to point out the reason why Gabriel has been receiving those comments (well, 'reason' in the eyes of the senders, that is). For me and for most other people, the original issue is over. Some people obviously can't let go, and keep dragging that old story on and on, even now, months later. My point with this post was to criticise and address those who can't let go, not to start another discussion or to 'revive' an old war.
This is why I also considered removing the link I posted above, but I will leave it up for sake of completion. However, everyone should note that THIS REVIEW ISSUE IS OVER, so no comment on the old story, please.

In a nutshell, someone wrote a review to amarissia (who you sure all know as as fairly popular author on FFnet), criticising her display of rape (especially the aftermath) in one of her stories. He backed up his views with the argument that he had real life experience with the issue. This review lead to some fierce reactions, and finally evolved into a big war here on LJ.

Don't get me wrong, my point was never to judge which side was right or wrong (although I allow myself to have a personal opinion on that matter, just like everyone should). What I was criticising from the very first moment on was the attitude some people showed, the appaling reactions towards the reviewer and those who defended him. the sheer hatred and lack of rationality shown throughout and most of all the insults. I NEVER EVER expected that from certain people I had known way before this, and from fans sharing the same passion.

Well, FF VII fandom, you sure showed me...

But that was not enough, obviously.

After some months past, I sure thought the issue was over. But as I found out today, I was the only one...

Over the last few months, the reviewer - Gabriel - was constantly antagonised and insulted in posts to his LJ, which he always deleted (being upset about their content, who can blame him?). Today, however, following a very personal and touching entry he posted yesterday from the hospital where he is currently treated, he received the most insulting comment yet (his reaction to this comment is here - and yes, before someone points it out, I know that he is addressing not-fandom-related instances in this post, too. The first half is entirely fandom-related though, people making those comments even explicitly referred to fandom. And in this post, I'm addressing those only).

I don't lie if I (metaphorically speaking) say my heart breaks if I just think of it... it makes me sad and sick and angry - all at the same time.

To the person or people behind this, I have to say the following:

Seriously, what is wrong with you people???

How low of a person do you have to be?

All Gabriel ever did was write a review, trying to educate people on a matter that had a HUGE personal meaning to him.

At no point did he ever get involved in the war that followed, at no point did he ever insult someone personally.

Most importantly, this was MONTHS ago. It should be over by now, forgotten. Most people involved in this have long moved on. Gabriel for one thing has... His latests post on LJ - which received the worst comments yet - was on an entirely different, personal topic that had nothing to do with fandom.

And you still harrass him with comments and dare say things like he doesn't even exist, and his journal was made for trolling purposes only? Please, take a close look at his journal. You might realize there are locked entries you can't see, because they are too personal, and more lighthearted entries that might make no sense to you (but trust me, they do to his friends) but just read this or (especially) this.

How can you think a person wrote this entire long entry, with all those personal details just to troll???

And how could you miss that he said "I had a BMI of 12.3, weighed 34 kg (75 pounds) and am now undergoing treatment in a psychiatric ward for eating disorders"?

Do you think it's all just a joke? Do you honestly think he, and people like chibipinkbunny, nephilim_rising, twiggyboredom, (who, by the way, is his sister), mallvip and me are all lying? Or that we are the same person, even though our LJs and FFnet profiles clearly show that we are from different countries? (Not even mentioning that just looking at our distinctly different writing styles and -choices  - both here on LJ and on FFnet - should be enough to tell that those entries and posts can't possibly all be written by the same person.) That we have nothing better to do than to troll poor fan fiction authors?

The following things are true -whether you want them to be or not :
(newflash: truth is not something you can pick and choose as you please)

- Gabriel exist, and he is exactly the person he claims to be

- his mental issues exist, too, though I and many other people wish dearly they wouldn't. He has Multiple Personality Disorder caused by several traumas he experienced (yes, he is indeed rape survivor, which plays a role in it) and he currently undergoes treatment for anorexia

- he does not deserve being harrassed like this! He has had enough trauma and bad experiences in his life, he doesn't need more bashing. Especially not now, when he is already in hospital, trying his best to recover.

- You just don't know what you are doing. Seriously, I doubt you have any idea how much you hurt him. Attacking someone on such a personal level is always extremely harmful, but in his current situation, even more so... Have you really considered the consequences of what you are doing here? Ever heard of the term 'cyber mobbing', and where it can lead to, especially if vulnerable people are targeted?

Just so you know, his boyfriend (yes, that horrible HORRIBLE person in your opinion) is currently on the way to hospital to try and avert the damage you caused... Congratulation.

(And by the way: why do I know those are facts? Well, I'm a friend of his and spoke to him almost EVERY SINGLE DAY for over half a year now, as well as to his sister and boyfriend and several others who know him. They all exist, and they are all awesome, wonderful people.)

Seriously, why not take on nephilim_rising, twiggyboredom , mallvip or me? We actually fought in that war! Targeting Gabriel is targeting the weakest link, and I assume you know that... what does that make you, hm? 'A lowly human being' is still the polite version. You are kicking someone who is on the floor already, and you keep going on and on... does that make you feel good? Proud?

You know what? You are welcome to pick on me. Call me whatever you want, insult my mother (who you don't know, by the way), I don't care. In fact, I dare you. But I bet you are far too spineless and much too scared to pick on someone of your own size...

(And just in case no one ever told you: you are NEVER anonymous on the internet. It's not a threat, it's a fact. An IP address can be traced, even with an anonymous comment.)

In all honesty though: Just stop it. Seriously.


(Actual post ends here... this is just an addition.)

For myself, this has already lead to personal consequences, regardless of the final outcome.

Even though this is actually not about me, a few words about myself (only in relation to fandom, of course):

I started writing for the FF VII fandom in 2008, and back then, I loved it. I met awesome people and had great conversations. However, over the recent years, a steady decline could not be ignored. Fans and writers no longer wanted to discuss, they just wanted to be surrounded by people who shared their opinions. Not going into details here, but most of you out there who are involved in the fandom will have noticed at least one big 'fandom war' by now.

Following the issue I mentioned above, I felt the need to take a break from the fandom. I always thought I would come back one day, but right now, I think I most likely won't.

Even though I still love FF VII (especially certain characters), I just can't stand the ignorance and the cruetly that certain people in this fandom show. And even if there are others, they can't make up for that anymore. Not for me.

People never fail to surprise me. I just really wish it wasn't mostly in a negative way...

fan fiction, seriously?, fandom-related madness, life, ranting

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