
Jan 25, 2012 01:03

I was really hoping my next entry into this journal would be a nice and positive one... Didn't quite manage this time.

Allow me to be a bit pensive and melancholic instead. Not much though, I promise.

It's a music post, essentially.

A friend of mine showed me this song a few days ago. He said it reminded him of the story I'm writing, but I'm quite sure it's partly about him, too. It's just one the 'games' we play in our friendship, talking via songs.

Over the last few days, however, I also realized that I can relate to this song as well. Most likely a lot of people can. This is why I'm posting it here.

(in case embedding won't work, here's the link)

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"As much as I’d like
 The past not to exist
 It still does
 And as much as I’d like
 To feel like I belong here
 I’m just as scared as you"

Ashley... sometimes I miss you so much it hurts. It was too soon, love, and I'll never really get over that, no matter how hard I try...

mood, soundtrack, music, life

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