Actually no, that's YOURS

Oct 07, 2010 15:30

Small Internet Service Provider.

I'm starting to be of the opinion that we shouldn't install or support *any* router for residential users.  I don't even want our tech to touch them or look at them too hard, because then they become my problem.

tldr: people don't understand that they own products that they purchase

 We have been offering a router for $50 during new installations as a convenience so the customer didn't have to get in the car and go get one.  We don't really make more than a few dollars on that, but the point was to help them out.  Since that box passed through our hands on the way to the end user they now think that's "our" router and therefore they should call us for all things related to it.

I actually *do* help people out with routers, I just don't like the idea they're getting in their head about it.  To illustrate what I mean, here is a made up conversation based on a composite of several real conversations I've had in the past.

User:  I don't remember the key for my wireless can you tell me what it is?
Me: Well, no, that's stored in your wireless router, but I can help you reset it.  What kind of router do you have?
User: Yours.  It's your guys' router.
Me: (Trying to diplomatically inform) Ah I see, it's a router you bought from us?  What brand is it?
User: It's yours.  Your guys' router.
Me: Ok, well it's technically yours since you bought it, and I can help you reset it, but first I need to know what brand name is printed on the top of it.
(....Helps default router and set a new WPA key, assume router ownership issue is resolved....)
User: Since I've got you on the phone, I wanted to say I'm not happy with the coverage your router provides in my house.  When I'm up on the third floor there is no signal up there, I need you guys to come out and fix it.
Me: (Facepalm) Ok we could try to position the router more centrally, or maybe add an access point on the 3rd floor, but I have to warn that would be billable work.
User: Graaah! I pay you for this every month and I'm telling you it doesn't work in part of my house and you need to fix it!
(....Spend the next 20 minutes convincing him that it's HIS router providing wireless inside the house, our equipment provides a connection TO the house....)
User: Ok, well before you helped me reset the router and change the key I couldn't get on the internet for 2 weeks.  I need a service credit for that.
Me: (GTFO) I'm sorry but nobody would do that.  I can't give you a credit for you not being able to access your router any more than the phone company would give you a credit for having a broken phone.  It's just not reasonable.
User: But YOUR router was the problem.  I should get a credit for that. I'm going to switch to cable, because I know they wouldn't think twice about giving me a credit for a service problem like this!
Me: (Ok then get off my phone and call them) I'm sorry you feel that way sir, but I simply can't give you a credit.
User: Graaah!
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