I'm on day 8 of another attempt at no-poo. Frankly I was kind of clueless about sulfates and silicones and all that jazz the first time around, so I doubt I was doing it properly...
At the moment I'm using Alberto V05's Free Me Freesia as a co-wash, Jason Super Shine Conditioner for general conditioning (not sure about this one, it seemed curly-hair friendly skimming through the ingredients... wait, is oxybenzone bad?), and Giovanni Direct Leave-In for, well, leaving in. Not the best regime for the protein-sensitive (the Jason conditioner has something like 3 proteins and 22 amino acids by itself), but so far my hair seems to be responding well (aside from the fact that I need a cut to rid myself of some split ends and other bits of damage from years of abuse).
The only thing that irritates me about my hair is that it's close to 3a in the back and nearly 3c in the front. Minor issue, really.
Oh, and my hair was dry at the time this picture was taken, no product in at the moment.
The one problem I'm running into, and this may be the bane of my attempts at no poo, is that I have naturally oily skin anyway (I inherited the bundle package of curls and oily skin from my mother) and the additional oil on my scalp between co-washes is causing my acne to come back with a vengeance around my hairline even with the acne medication doing its job.
I imagine that in my situation, I will either be forced to co-wash frequently, switch to low-poo, or suffer for a few weeks to see if my scalp oils calm down to tolerable levels. If the rest of my skin is any indication, my hair may be too oily to do no-poo in the long term anyway, ignoring the associated skin problems. I suppose this isn't a major loss, but the positive results of no-poo are... enviable.
Has anyone else had similar woes? General advice (aside from, you know, abandon your attempt, as that'd probably be the simplest solution)?