Tonight we had sausages. We were actually a day late - we should have had them on Ash Wednesday. I can hear a few people thinking 'but isn't it the start of Lent and a day when you should be fasting, not feasting on sausages?'
Ah, but, to quote a lovely short article that I received an email link to yesterday through my routine daily church link, eating a sausage on Ash Wednesday 2022 marks the 500th anniversary of a very important event, and sausage is far more appropriate than an act of piety at home or in church!
The Reformation began in Zurich on Ash Wednesday 1522 - 500 years ago this year - and it all started with a sausage, or rather several sausages.
If you would like to read a little more,
here is the full explanation from the Daily Devotions team of our church, which is, of course, a Reformed Church i.e. a church with roots in the Reformation!