Yesterday, apart from my views from the window pictures of the garden, I did take some more pictures whilst doing a bit more tidying out there.
The new hellebores that I bought last week seem to be settling in ok;
The shadows show where they are - in the corner beside the seating area.
And the crocuses have definitely spread out since last year;
At the other end of the garden the honeysuckle has already got a lot of new leaves -
The spurge* and the peony are both pushing strangely alien like shoots up now, and I spent some time clearing the old branches of the spurge, which have been left over winter, to make room for new ones, and cutting the turf away from the stepping stone path a little.
And then, for the first time since autumn, I sat out on the decking and simply enjoyed being out with the sunshine and growing things -
Oh - and the washing drying on the line... :)
*Spurge - this is the plant in my icon. It is growing just behind the clothes line.