The Dee-annotated Supernatural - Bugs

Feb 28, 2006 12:26

Hazards to navigation this time: the fact that I'd just run in the door from climbing and was making myself dinner for most of the first fifteen minutes; the Male's rampant disgrunted-entomologist act; getting constantly distracted by how much Padalecki looks like our friend the fruitcake.

Not even truly righteous guitars can save this one )


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part one qthelights February 28 2006, 02:28:46 UTC
finally! I've been waiting all morning for you to post this so i could snark at it ( ... )


Re: part one cupiscent February 28 2006, 02:45:26 UTC
You dork. You can snark independently of me, you know. *G*

the US is around the same size as Australia, one cannot be in Brisbane one minute, and be in Perth the next!
Well, as captnobvious was bitching about, they pretty much only knock about in the mid-west. So that does shrink the necessary mileage. But still. That car runs damn well for being forty years old and having that many miles on it.

... but the looks were priceless.
The looks frequently are. I'm totally just watching this for Dean and Sam's facial expressions. *G*

...AND NOW he's all oh poor me, misunderstood teenager...
The writers just thought of it. oh HEY! Yeah, great idea, write it in, man. *G* I'm so enamoured of the idea I'm just about willing to let 'em get away with it. (Also, he's already been told by Cool Bit Character in "Phantom Traveller" that his dad was proud of him; I like the way neither of them mentions that.)

i almost sms'd you right then and there to complain about how bad those spiders were.They were FUZZY! And not in a hairy-legged way ( ... )


Re: part one renne February 28 2006, 03:34:50 UTC
hat car runs damn well for being forty years old and having that many miles on it.

the amount of miles they'd do would be nothing for a car like that, forty years old or not. you just have to look at the way the exterior is maintained (i'm not talking about the strangely pristine cleanliness when they drive into town after a half-state hauls, either).

no one would keep a car looking that good on the outside without doing (up to twice) the work on the inside. shit, dean probably gutted during a quiet period and either reco'ed everything in sight or, y'know, dropped an as-new in it. it's not like he's got anything else in his life apart from hunting!


Re: part one cupiscent February 28 2006, 06:47:09 UTC
You're so cute when you're talking about cars. *G*

I hear you, though. What I lament is the fact that we never actually see Dean with his head under the hood (aside from that once in the pilot, all too brief). Verisimilitude, y'know. Also, Dean shirtless and covered in grease. HI.


Re: part one renne February 28 2006, 07:20:35 UTC
hee. i can't help it! :P

oh, i'd LOVE to see dean doing some nice and greasy work under the hood. that would be seriously hot.


Re: part one azewewish February 28 2006, 03:22:59 UTC
- okay, wtf?? we've listened to sam WHINING his fuckin' voice box out about how he must must must find his poor daddy, giving dean hell when dean wants to investigate something other than good ol' dad, because, like, who needs to help other people when there are dads to be found... AND NOW he's all oh poor me, misunderstood teenager, dad was such an asshole, omg i'm 15.. WTF!!!???

He's actually been bitching about Dad since five minutes into the first episode. Only reason he's been wanting to find Dad is because Dad's on the trail of the thing that killed Mom & Jess.

Not to be a picky fangirl or anything. Except I am. *g*


Re: part one cupiscent February 28 2006, 06:50:09 UTC
To be picky right back - Sam's bitched about Dad telling him to "stay gone" if he went, but we haven't had any suggestion that this was more than a once-off fight. We've had an inkling that Sam was never really into the hunting thing and in fact swore off it when he came to college, but not that there was this ongoing feud of his life. There was the surprise about the "Dad was proud of you" in Phantom Traveller, but I'd like to point out that he was told, there, that Dad was proud of him. The ongoing "OMG Dad always picked on me I'm such an oppressed minority" theme is a new development here.

Or at least, that's how it feels from where I'm sitting.


Re: part one azewewish February 28 2006, 07:21:04 UTC
Aw, baby, are we gonna have to break out the eps and get all geek-boy with each other? *g*


navia February 28 2006, 20:09:46 UTC
I'm not prepared to do an ep by ep breakdown or anything (though someone should!), but my impression, starting with the pilot, was that relations between John and Sam were strained and had been strained for a while. The reason he's so invested in finding his dad now is b/c of what happened to Jessica. Previous to her death, he was ready to let Dean find their dad on his own ( ... )


cupiscent February 28 2006, 21:22:31 UTC
Strained, yes. I'll grant you that was given. All I'm saying is that, prior to this episode, it felt like a more "adult" sort of strain. "I wanted to go this way, and that was away from what Dad had in mind for me, so we parted." But not this systematic ongoing since-I-was-eight repression thing Sam would have us believe it is in Bugs. The sort of arguments I had with my parents in my late teens, not this big thing bordering on "Dad was a bad parent".

The suggestion was there, but it all of a sudden came bursting out in this ep, and it was a little bit of a "huh?" moment for us. That's all. I'm not denying that it exists or is canon or anything, I'm just saying it wasn't really built up to. Now that it's here, I think it's GRAND. *G* Hey, it's angst! I love angst! Angst all round! (I mean, the fact that it's a bit of a sudden thing is somewhat evidenced by the amount of info-dump given to it in the episode. If they'd led up to it, that sort of thing wouldn't have been necessary ( ... )


navia February 28 2006, 21:57:11 UTC
[Oops! Accidentally italicized the whole damn thing.]

All I'm saying is that, prior to this episode, it felt like a more "adult" sort of strain. "I wanted to go this way, and that was away from what Dad had in mind for me, so we parted."

Ha! More like:
"I want to be normal!"
"No, we have to kill things!"
"Then I'm leaving!"
"Never come back!"

The implication for a long-standing fued came in the fact that Sam felt he had to leave the family even if it meant not interacting with them anymore, and in the fact that it was John and not Sam who cut off all ties. Also, by expressing disdain for their lifestyle, he's been expressing disdain for John and John's parenting choices this whole time.

(I mean, the fact that it's a bit of a sudden thing is somewhat evidenced by the amount of info-dump given to it in the episode. If they'd led up to it, that sort of thing wouldn't have been necessary.)Oh god, the amount of unnecessary info-dumps on SPN -- that is probably my biggest complaint about the show. They will info-dump about scenes we ( ... )


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