The Dee-annotated Supernatural - Bugs

Feb 28, 2006 12:26

Hazards to navigation this time: the fact that I'd just run in the door from climbing and was making myself dinner for most of the first fifteen minutes; the Male's rampant disgrunted-entomologist act; getting constantly distracted by how much Padalecki looks like our friend the fruitcake.

Not even truly righteous guitars can save this one )


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cupiscent February 28 2006, 21:22:31 UTC
Strained, yes. I'll grant you that was given. All I'm saying is that, prior to this episode, it felt like a more "adult" sort of strain. "I wanted to go this way, and that was away from what Dad had in mind for me, so we parted." But not this systematic ongoing since-I-was-eight repression thing Sam would have us believe it is in Bugs. The sort of arguments I had with my parents in my late teens, not this big thing bordering on "Dad was a bad parent".

The suggestion was there, but it all of a sudden came bursting out in this ep, and it was a little bit of a "huh?" moment for us. That's all. I'm not denying that it exists or is canon or anything, I'm just saying it wasn't really built up to. Now that it's here, I think it's GRAND. *G* Hey, it's angst! I love angst! Angst all round! (I mean, the fact that it's a bit of a sudden thing is somewhat evidenced by the amount of info-dump given to it in the episode. If they'd led up to it, that sort of thing wouldn't have been necessary.)

Likewise, the Phantom Traveller comment is given not so much from a Sam POV as from a viewer POV. What we know is this.


Maybe houses are numbered differently here, b/c mine is in the 12000 range, and that's never struck me as odd before. -- Dude, seriously, how LONG is your road? Because... I mean, that'd have to go for at least two towns or something (and houses beyond the city limits aren't numbered in Australia; well, weren't until recently, anyway, and they have a different numbering system). Even in big cities, the same road just gets its name changed after a certain distance. I think it's a factor of suburbs that used to be little villages before they connected, and they named the roads differently.

I don't know that I've ever even seen a street number in the thousands in Australia. Plenty in the hundreds, but usually not much higher than around 500. So yeah, 7000-odd kinda made me make the boggle-face. *G*

Anyway. I don't understand why Dean's first line upon coming out of the bar wasn't "You dent my car, I will END you," because I always used to get in trouble for sitting on the car when I was twelve, and I reckon Sam weighs a fuckton more than me. *G* Mind you - *goes and rewatches* - he is sitting on the side, where there's support, so that's not an issue. And now I realise why I didn't comment - that was one of the points where I was REALLY distracted by how much he looks like Nathan Husdon. *G* Oops. Sorry. (Woulda been hotter, anyway, if his first line had been "Hey baby", but that's a given, right? *G*)


navia February 28 2006, 21:57:11 UTC
[Oops! Accidentally italicized the whole damn thing.]

All I'm saying is that, prior to this episode, it felt like a more "adult" sort of strain. "I wanted to go this way, and that was away from what Dad had in mind for me, so we parted."

Ha! More like:
"I want to be normal!"
"No, we have to kill things!"
"Then I'm leaving!"
"Never come back!"

The implication for a long-standing fued came in the fact that Sam felt he had to leave the family even if it meant not interacting with them anymore, and in the fact that it was John and not Sam who cut off all ties. Also, by expressing disdain for their lifestyle, he's been expressing disdain for John and John's parenting choices this whole time.

(I mean, the fact that it's a bit of a sudden thing is somewhat evidenced by the amount of info-dump given to it in the episode. If they'd led up to it, that sort of thing wouldn't have been necessary.)

Oh god, the amount of unnecessary info-dumps on SPN -- that is probably my biggest complaint about the show. They will info-dump about scenes we have *just watched*. It drives me crazy.

My road is not very long (heh), but I guess it's numbered by region? I don't even know where house #1 would be -- I've certainly never seen it.

Anyway. I don't understand why Dean's first line upon coming out of the bar wasn't "You dent my car, I will END you,"

Hee, that's part of what I love about it. In the pilot, Dean would have been all over that, but by "Bugs" he doesn't even notice. <3


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