So with the recent hubub about wiretapping without warrants and such, I ask myself, what constitutes abuse of power? Gore blasted the Bush administration for its authorization of warrantless surveilance. The Bush administration lashed back, much like a frustrated child, by saying "I know you are, but what am I?" They accused Gore of being a hypocrit who took part in the Clinton administration's search and seizure of property without warrants in years past (good, peacefull, economically sound years, mind you). The fault lies in the fact that the Clinton administration did such on an individual, case-by-case level, signing such authorization when it came up. The number of cases were few in comparrison.
The Bush administration has written a free pass to circumvent warrants simply by playing on the fear of terrorism. All one needs to do in government is mention that someone is linked to a terrorist group. Everytime you make a phone call, send an email, check out a library book, or visit a site on the internet, that information is being eavesdropped on by a computer.
In other politics, Pakistan is pissed because we blew up innocent civillians on a religious holiday in our blindfolded search for Osama's number two man, and rightly so. What's the difference between "acceptable loss" and "wreckless homicide?" I find it disgusting that I live in a country of such double standards. We can have one of the largest stockpiles of nuclear weapons in the world, but go apeshit if another country wants to advance their technology to the nuclear era. We say we're afraid they'll develope nuke weapons of their own, because god forbid anyone have a bigger penis than the U.S. of A. We invade countries looking for something that doesn't exist, then simply say "Whoops...quick, make up another agenda that will justify all of this!"
What's really sad is that in a balanced political situation, Bush would be impeached, I mean crap, they were gonna impeach Clinton for getting a blowjob, I'd love to see what they'd do to a mass-murdering lier. Unfortunately, Bush has played his pawns well and filled the other two branches with his buds and chums.
Dear George W. Bush,
Get the fuck out.