Internet. Trolls. Why.

Aug 08, 2015 17:56

This post isn't specifically about the internet, but I think I should discuss what goes on in it. I will not use any "sources" in this post with the exception of several experiences I have encontered from simple observations. Therefore, this article is all based from personal opinions.
I personally do not like the internet, but unfortunately, I am forced to use it as a means to navigate around in this now, techno-transhumanistic-like era.

Its a place where you can find misconceptions pretty much with about anything you can think of. There's rarely any truth on the internet, but if you dig deep enough, you're bound to find some traces of it under all the mixed lies surfacing on the world wide web.
Its also a place where the most unfathomable of people reside in, too afraid to show their pointless existence in the real world, they'd rather spend all day bullying and harvesting a fest of bullshit behind their little computer screens.
To be honest, the internet was originally created for business and informative use, such as to be a guide holding countless amounts of important information or to be operated for the life line of big bisinesses and corporations. It is now officially being taken advantaged of as anybody can literally do anything they want and be anybody they want within the fairly new social grounds splattered throughout the web. And if that's not creepy enough, not only do the regular masses use it for their own brainwashing and destruction, but the people highest up has established this use as approval for the excuse to do even more sinister, fucked up things on it. I won't say too much about who exactly the people "highest up" are, but I'd like to think of them as the people who have more power than any president, prime minister, and federal bank in the entire world combined. We never see or hear about these people, and yet, they own everything that we go for resources to. They are the elites of the pyramid, they orchestrate and control every single thing that goes on within the system and they obtain the most sacred knowledge in the world.
The purpose of the internet started out very simple, but these elites decided to use it for a more complexed purpose. They deliberately turned the world wide web into a cyberly world wide trash festival for the use of major mass control. So technically, the purpose of the internet's existence is indirect towards human advancement and regress the progression of humanity. Now I know at this point it sounds like I'm ranting on about a bunch of conspiracy theory bullshit, but truly, I'm not. Its just the conspiracy part that I'm ranting about. And the reason why I'm ranting about this is because I recieved yet another fucked up message in my inbox today, and I'm sick and tired of being disrespected for no apparent reason whatsoever.
Yes, people come on the internet and cyberbully people all the time, but most of the time it'll be towards people they've actually met before in real life. Those people have serious issues, but its not them that I'm concerned about wandering around on the computer, its the trolls that really tries to piss people off.

There's a difference between immature kids who bully's other kids because they hate themselves more and trolls who sit behind the screen for hours, days, or even weeks at a time doing what ever they can to harass the shit out of one person over a personal opinion that everyone is entitled to have. In both cases, people have lost their reputation or even committed suicide from the harsh typed words of these bullies, however, kids will be kids, trolls, on the other hand, are deliberate. And both is an issue that needs correcting within this society.
Most trolls are probably over the age of 18 and the less harmless ones live in a very unrealistic world. However, there are those "trolls" who are also paid agents to mislead, disinform, and interrogate anyone and any information that may be a potential threat agaisnt this carefully structured and complexed matrix the elites have built around us. Most people will not notice this because the media have created and performed the concepts of the bully and how they exist most prominently on the internet so well that people will automatically dismiss the thought of them actually being a governed project meant to harm without even second guessing. Most people can't even fathom the thought of someone being paid to harass and bully someone else on purpose, but the world is way more fucked up than what people would like to think.
While regular bullies do exist, the estimation of how many of them exists is exaggerated. The majority of the bullies on the internet are trolls, who are indeed, paid agents.

Agents are not only used to dismantle any form of truth, but to also do other various sinister things to keep the masses in check. Sometimes they are not just known as trolls but also known under more fancier and professional identities such as "disinfo" agents, the NSA, the secret services, or manchurian candidates. They pose as regular people or sometimes under different occupations such as a professional or a specialist and deceive people who want to know more truth about what's really going on in this fucked up world or people who asks too many questions or post threatening (but truthful) information on the internet.
They mostly go after the people they like to label as "conspiracy theorists" who are easily deceived and becomes delusional from the mixed up lies the agents have put out which always either leads them going around in a bunch of circles or to a dead end, going further away from the truth and end up never reaching it.
However, they're job is most stressful when they try to attack "truthers" or whistle blowers. These people are much brighter than the average "conspiracy theorist" and they tend to either outsmart or call out "trolls" in intense cases. Truthers are usually people who have or have had first hand experiences behind the scenes of what most people think is real. When they start to collect an unusually large amount of attention from the masses, or even have the potential to, they are immediately ridiculed by the "trolls" as they try to label them as "conspiracy theorists" or even terrorists and discredits everything that they've exposed against the system. Most truthers and whistle blowers are aware of the agent-type trolls and usually have back up plans and ignore them. Some just keep quiet after being harrassed so many times, and some never stop after the first back up plan fails and those are the ones that end up silenced.
The agents created the labels "conspiracy theorist" and "terrorist" to ridicule and ruin. They're usually associated with a schizophrenic, angry, or delusional person who has lost out of touch with reality. While some of this definition really does apply to some people who were labeled these names, it is only because the agents have literally confused the person to the point of delusional and sometimes irrational thinking. This is just another method of intricate and stealthy mind control.
They are trying to make anyone who digs too deep, questions the established and trimmed version or authority, or even mentions inaccurate and flawed information within the established/trending information, all sound like irrational thinkers and lunatics and actually turn some of them into those very labels which makes the illusion of the labels appear even more realistic. These trolls spy on people, they stalk people, and they decieve people on the internet.
This is why I try to stay away from the internet in most cases. Social media is specifically used to carry out these acquisitions amongst the masses, the elites want perfect order for the new world they are trying to build, they want us to stay asleep while they rebuild, once again, another new world order. And lets be precise, we have actually already been living in a new world order, what we're witnessing now is the destruction of this world and how they will rebirth another again-out with the old, in with the new.
Every media source is significantly being controlled by them, so it would only make sense to not be so trusting with the internet. And it would also only make sense as to why I always keep getting threats or hate mail/comments every time I post information that is very similar or related to this entry. I thought that not having a pubicly viewed blog, which would automatically outcast the fact of gaining potentially large amounts of followers or mass attention, would detroy the possible threats coming at me, but I was wrong.
It doesn't matter if you have zero followers, if you know something that they know, and you expose that, they will not take that chance. I've realized that they can't afford to let an opportunity spark because if you're smart enough to figure out their bullshit then you're pretty much smart enough to sabotage it too. This system is very complexed and extremely cleverly built. Most people have no idea that they're even living in a system, yet there's always someone who does and if they unfold enough truth can destroy it just as easily as the elites built it.
The internet is a powerful media source. Alot of people rely on it and trust it to the point where they're giving out free laptops to children in third world countries. As if the internet has all the answers, its not the place to learn truth and reality, but that doesn't mean the elite can keep up with everyone who exposes traces every now and then. And sometimes, they don't care to keep up with them, they'll just let them be the bait for the ones who desparately wants to find truth but can't anywhere else. They are turning everything into electronical use, pretty soon, nothing will be available in a physical hard copy anymore. All our resources will have to be transferred electronically.
It used to lure me in, but I use the internet for business now. And when I say business, I mean achieving something impossible.
I've stated my opinion, I've shared my thoughts. Take everything I say with a grain of salt, because I won't be biting down. It doesn't matter if you believe me or not. Even with evidence, sources, or proof, nothing is ever perfectly honest. I dont give a damn...
Explaining how I know all of this stuff or where I got it from would probably take several posts to explain. Like I've said before, I observe.

internet sucks, trolls attacking me all the time, why? im a nobody

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