A Little Lesson In Life

Mar 20, 2007 20:11

So this is the story and the start of my week.......

Actually it all began on a blustery Friday afternoon.  Work was done for the day and I was on my way to my car.  I get to my car only to find that a car was parked less than an inch away from my drivers door.  There was no physical way that I could get into my car on the drivers side without injuring myself or scratching the crap outta either car.  I had to climb from the passenger seat all the way to the driver seat, doing this with a foot that has littlte to no movement and with legs that have mobility problems.  I was really pissed, but the worst of it is that my car on the drivers side is now all scratched up.  I was angry so once I was able to get into my car and move it to warm it up I got out of my car, and took the licence plate down to give to our security as this person did not even have their parking permit.  I also took the time to write a note ( and this is where the fault rests with me as I should not have written the note)  the note stated...... "Thank you for scratching my car ASSHOLE!"  I left it on the person's car underneath the windshield washer.  There was another peice of paper put under there but I did not read it as I assumed this person musta pissed someone else off.

Monday morning comes and I go to park in my spot and while I was grabbing my stuff I noticed the same car was being parked two stalls down from mine.  It was one of my co-workers from the second half of our department.  I double checked her licence plate (After she had walked away)  to see if it was actually her and it was HER!!  I was a little embarassed but at the same time really glad that I put that note on her car because I thought maybe she will have the sense not to box someone in like that again.

So anyways I get thirty minutes into my work day, I had students sitting to see advisors, I was about to make a phone call when this co-worker comes up to me with my note in hand and says..... "did you write this note and leave it on my car"  I looked right at her and said yes I sure did.  I then stated that she parked less than an inch from my drivers side, and I had to crawl from the passanger seat into my car.  She was like "Well I left a note on my car stating if there was a problem to call and I would move the car" I was like sorry I don't read notes on other people's cars, and I assumed that you had pissed someone else off.  Then she was like "I can not believe that you are calling a co worker an asshole"  I then stated how the heck would you feel if you had someone scratch your car and you had to crawl through the passanger side with a physical disability.  She then stated "you knew it was my car, we have been parking in the same area for the past two months" I was like I don't pay attention to what you are driving, and secondly you had no parking pass displayed! she then stated  "well the pass is in my other car"  and then walked away.  First of all it was very childish to come up to me the way she did.  There were people around, and my co-workers, I was mortified and embarassed.  We are suposto be mature adults.  I should not have written the note this is true, but from what others tell me they woulda done alot worse.  I don't understand the ignorance of some people!

The snow continues................  It NEVER ends!!  Saturday we got dumpped on hardcore.  Last night it snowed quite a bit, had to dig my way out this morning..... again.  Tonight, the forcast calls for more snow *sigh* I want green leaves, grass, and perdy flowers *cries*  Will spring ever find it's way to Fort McMurray!?!?

Jess and I went to see the movie 300 this past weekend.  IT was too much guts and fights for me but man oh man were the men ever gorgeous!  Six packs galore, and oh gosh what bodies they had:)  We also did grocery shopping and went to the dollar store.

My friend Alana has convinced me to go to a baby thing on Saturday afternoon.  She has no one to go with and I wanna support her as I am her friend.  So yea I am gonna learn bout babies on Saturday, and NO I am not ready to have one yet.

So this is what is new in the life of Natalie. Have a great rest of the week everyone.
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