Jan 01, 2004 23:36
Happy New Year! I cant believe its actually 2004. As a child, i never saw beyond 2003. I figured the climax of my life was high school graduation. I was unable to even imagine life outside of the adolesent bubble that came with living at home. 2004. Wow.
2003 really was a good year. I leave behind many memories and amazing experiences. I learned how to be a senior, a graduate, an employee, a lifeguard, a young adult, a college student, and a young, truly independent woman. I have never been able to say that before. We really do learn on a daily basis. I recall many specific instances where I expereinced new thoughts, new ideas, and new perspectives. I learned to open my eyes and taste life as it comes to you. I learned to sit back sometimes, and no matter where you are in your life appreciate it. The more suffocating, clostrophobic, unnatural, uncomfortable, surreal, stressful, unfamiliar, unsure, and self-concious you feel, it seems the more you learn, and retrospectively you area a more mature and wise person for it. I learned that happiness is more than a smile or laughing. I learned that you can learn more about yourself by learning more about others. I learned that its not what others think about you, but what you think about yourself. It doesnt matter as much what others see in you, as at the end of the day before you go to bed when you look in there mirror brushing your teeth in the bathroom down the hall what you see in yourself - what you think about who you are before you hopefully drift off to sleep. I learned that knowlege is more than grades and facts in books but thoughts, opinions, perspectives, and ideas; and that growing up is more than another birthday or new year, but moving over a thousand miles away from everything you've ever known, making a new home and new life for yourself, and knowing you can do it.
I am so thankful to God for this past year. I never would have thought I'd be living the life I am now. Thank you. I am also so thankful for all the important people in my life. I am so thankful that I made some incredible friends and have grow stronger in some of the friendships I already had. Even those people that arent in my life anymore, i am thankful that they were there. I guess I am kicd of like clay, and everyone i have known has made an impression - some deeper or fainter, and in different places - but I would not be the same without their presence - pleasent or otherwise.
We have made it to 2004!
This new year gives me, and everyone, the chance to reflect on what we have accomplished thus far and gives us the motivation and confidence to continue on down our paths to greatness. Our own paths to greatness. We all have one, and these next few years hold many of the decisions which will determine the directioin we travel. Have faith, have love,...be thankful and keep going. Look how far we have come.