Greetings From the New Arctic Circle

Feb 16, 2007 09:09

Brrrrr!! It's damn cold here: wind chills of -10! Not to mention the snow that was dumped on Tues. night & Wednesday. I think we got about 16-18 inches, but it's hard to measure because the wind blows it all around. All I really know is that when I left work Wed. afternoon & stepped off the stairs, I sunk into the snow up to my knees!

I'm really glad for this day off, because I just want 1 day to schlep around doing nothing. I can do the laundry & cleaning tomorrow while Dave sits upstairs on the computer.

I started at Sylvan on Tuesday afternoon. Basically, it was just conversing with the DE & CD (Director of Ed & Center Dir.), filling out the paperwork, & watching a video. I'm going in on Sunday afternoon to observe one of the SAT tutors.

Work (my fishmonger job) was kinda strange this past week. Everyone there has been either a totally happy or totally shitty mood. I had horrendous headaches, beginning every day around 2-3 pm. This may be because I'm trying to wean myself off of caffeinated beverages, & 7-Up just doesn't keep the headaches at bay.

Yesterday, after purging all the 2006 invoices from all 7 routes, I was finishing up with the produce when Boss asked me if I was purging the invoices. "Yes," I replied. "Oh no," he says, "I don't want you to be doing that." Well, I told him that I was already mostly done with the invoices, and his wife and daughter both yelled out to him that they'd told me to do the purging.

The communication factor at work is astounding. (I'm being sarcastic, of course.) I understand that it's not much better at Sylvan; so, the question becomes, will I be able to hold 2 part-time jobs that drive me crazy?

"Diplomacy is the art of saying 'Nice doggie' until you can find a rock."
---Will Rogers

work, weather, quotations

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