exercise links

Jun 06, 2012 12:30

Apropos of I just managed to do two weeks of actually exercising 5/7 days for at least 20 minutes *, here are two things I found browsing NY Times's Wellness section.

Not overheating aids exercise, so the personal trainer who was worried I'd be too cold running in NYC and that would make me burn less calories was presumably wrong. Physics would seem to imply that heating something uses calories, anyway, so I'm not at all sure why I listened, except that he knew a lot of other things I didn't know. And was supportive and impressed by my toughness, and, after he'd quickly realized I was in decent shape despite the extra pounds, and they weren't going anywhere anytime fast, tried to make sure I ate after workouts.

Runner's high is a real thing humans and dogs have, ferrets lack. Makes sense. Unclear as to why endocannabinoids are different from endorphins, other than presumably being separate chemicals. Why marijuana and not opium now? Also: if pot gives you runner's high, that's the first good thing I've heard about it. (Most of my exposure to pot has involved neighbors smoking up all over my air which I am trying to breathe.) But exercise is totally addictive and I thought marijuana wasn't supposed to be? How far does this analogy go?

* The Plan, which worked before, in the sense that I've managed in the past to keep it up for over a year, most recently until the cross-country move and killer work schedule threw it all off: Target 30 minutes of cardio plus some strength stuff; bare minimum 15 minutes cardio; target 5/7 days/week; bare minimum 3/7 days/week; try to eat thoughtfully, more peanut butter, less cheese, no food after 9 pm. Ought to be sustainable through the summer; the real question is what happens in August when school starts up again.

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