Saw Hunger Games this afternoon. I know we are a little behind the curve here. I enjoyed it, and thought that a lot of things were handled really well - the book's cinematic focus, unsurprisingly, played out really well on the big screen - but I am curious how it seemed to someone who hadn't read the books. It seemed to handle narration and backstory with subtlety, efficiency, and elegance, which means I can't tell if it would have made any sense if you weren't thinking of the fuller story this was the highlights from, or if it went too fast to follow. The characters looked all wrong, of course, since they were unfaithful to the pictures in my head, but I thought they did a good job.
Either my mom really really needs to see this, or we should protect her from it forever. Not sure which, but definitely one or the other. As long as she identified with Katniss she'd do fine. There's violence and blood but it's not glorified.
The closest theater still playing Hunger Games was in Cherry Hill (next closest is in Plymouth Meeting), so after we saw it, we made the pilgrimage to Wegmans and bought all the food. Quinoa! Brussels sprouts! Insane amounts of strawberries! Pretentious cheese! Vegan vegetable boullion cubes! Decent grocery-store bagels! Shopping while hungry results in a huge amount of food. Split a cheese sub with
tenrith for dinner and it tasted like childhood.
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