Jan 12, 2011 10:37
I've noticed an alarming trend coming from some of my FB friends. People that can only talk about fitness, or health food, or politics, or how cute their kids are...You get where I'm going with this? I'm sure I've been guilty of this one track FB posting, but I've been super irritated by it lately. I wanted to whine about a few friends who cant' stop posting their work out schedules. I know it's the new year, but these are people who will talk to you in person about how they just love the new diet they're trying or how their arms have never felt so awesome with the new weight lifting regime. I'm surely not one to point fingers since I've not made it back to prepregnancy weight and Riley is almost two. But I realized that this isn't just about fitness obsessed people. It's anything people take to an extreme. And not in a good way. Sure, being healthy is good, but are you neglecting your kids or your partner? When does it cross from health to vanity? If you're too busy talking about how cute your kids are, have you alienated your childless friends? Or even your friends with kids but they're kids are not as awesome as yours? Can you not stop talking about Twilight? Is there a part of your life that has been so taken over by baking?
I admit that I love TV and I talk about it, I'm prone to fangirling and ignoring my daily acitivites on occasion, but I at least try to talk about other things on FB and even when in person. If you know these people, how do you deal with it? I know a few people on my FB are going to be hidden from my main feed. Then again, maybe I should just delete them, or once again, maybe I should just get off face book.
Tell me honestly, is there anything I won't stop talking?