Weekend Recap

May 19, 2008 12:09

Well, the weekend was pretty decent...

Friday: I got off work 20 minutes early to go meet Brian in Thornton to make the drive to Greeley. I told him I would be to the Best Buy off 104th (where we meet) at 5:30pm. He told me to call him when I got to I-25 so he could leave to meet me (he was helping Billy install a water heater). I tried calling him and his phone kept going straight to his voicemial. So frickin annoying. I figured he let it die again, cause he never plugs it in to charge. So I got to there at 5:30pm and of course he wasn't there. I called Billy's cell and asked if Brian was still there, and he said he was cause he was waiting for me to call him. I told him I'd been trying to call Brian for the last 30 minutes! So of course I got all upset because I was gonna be stuck sitting at Best Buy waiting for him. I know it doesn't seem like a big deal, but it's irritating as hell! And inconsiderate! Does he think I enjoy spending my Friday nights driving to and from Greeley? Hell no! There's many other things I'd rather be doing! The least he could do is be on time to meet me to go pick up his kids!

I really wish that when I got upset I didn't always cry... It's like an automatic thing... No matter, what, when I get upset, I cry, even if it's because I'm pissed... It's hard to take someone as being seriously angry when they're crying... I wish there was a way I could shut that off...

Anyways, Brian finally got there at like 6pm and we headed towards Greeley (in silence). As luck would have it, traffic was a BITCH. It was bumper-to-bumper practically the whole way there. He's supposed to pick the kids up between 6:30-7pm, that th window. So I knew we weren't going to make it on time (and whose fault was that!?), so I woke him up and told him he needed to text Amanda and tell her he was going to be a few minutes late. She was supposed to be served with her contempt papers on Friday, so I'm doubting that she was, because she said it was no problem if he was a few minutes late. If she would have been served, I bet she wouldn't have dropped the kids off if it was past the pick-up window time. So her aunt came and dropped the kids off at the McDonalds and we headed back towards Denver. We stopped at Cinzzetti's for dinner, and then Brian went and got the kids cough syrup (they both had a nasty cough) while I took them home and got them into baths. He got home a few minutes later, gave then their medicine, and then it was bed time.

Saturday: Brian got up and left for work, and like clock work as soon as he left the kids were in my room waking me up complaining that they were bored. I kept trying to go back to sleep, but that wasn't happening, so finally I gave up and got up. I took the kids to the rec center for the afternoon to entertain them and then got home around 4pm, right before Brian got home. We had planned to go to The White Fence Farm with Gary and Bri that night, but Brian also informed me that he volunteered us to watch little Billy and Hailey for the night. Again, I was pissed. Not that I really minded, but he should have asked me before he just volunteered us to watch 2 more kids for the night. Then he told me that Amanda text him and asked if he could take the kinds until Monday (today) and he said yes. Pissed me off more. He should have told her no, not because I don't want his kids around, but because the only reason she would ask him to keep the kids for another day is if she needed to do something, and it was for her convenience. Well forget that, he shouldn't be doing anything to make things more convenient for her. So I told him he needs to talk to me before he just jumps the gun and makes decisions that affect me without talking to me about them first. I deserve at least that much consideration. He said okay, but he was kind of a jerk about it.

We went to White Fence Farm with Bri and Gary and 3 kids. We left Eli at home because he was really really sick and he didn't want to go. Even with just Danica and Billy and Hailey, I really don't have the patience for all that. Kids running around the restaurant, tipping back in their chairs, bickering with one another non-stop, spilling drinks, whining cause they're bored, etc. etc. I seriously wanted to get up and go eat dinner by myself. I can deal pretty well with Danica and Elijah now, but Billy and Hailey are little demons sometimes! Worse than Brian's kids. We made it through dinner and then headed home. On our way home Eli called my phone (we left him with my number) and he was crying becuase he woke up and was afraid because no one was there, I stayed on the phone with him for a few minutes to calm him down, adn then he said "I love you" to me on the phone!! I was floored!!!  I almost started crying. He is such a sweet soul. So we got home, and got all the kids in the bed, and then went to sleep ourselves.

Sunday: We got to sleep in until like 9am (whooptie-shit) and then I got to get up and make breakfast for 4 kids while Brian went and met with a client. Again, the kids were driving me INSANE. Billy anf Eli kept fighting, and Danica and Hailey kept bickering. It was NON-STOP! "Eli choked me." "Hailey called me dumb." "Billy took the controller." "Danica took me crayon." OMG!!! Finally, I text Brian and said he needed to hurry up and get back home because the kids were driving me nuts, and we needed to take Billy and Hailey to his mom's house. At that point, I told the kids I was going in my room to take a shower, and shutting the door, and Brian could deal with them when he got home. And that's exactly what I did... I had to disengage to save my sanity! Brian got home and we headed to take Billy and Hailey to their grandma's. We were planning on going to lunch and seeing the new Narnia movie with Eli and Danica, but Danica wanted to stay at grandma's, so just me and Brian and Eli went to lunch at Rosie's Diner and then went and saw the new Narnia. Well, actually they watched the new Narnia, I paid $8.50 to take a nap (LoL).

After the movies we headed back to Brian's mom's house to pick up Danica. Des and Billy got there about the same time to pick up little Billy and Hailey. Florence (Brian's mom) was talking to me because I guess Hailey and Danica got in a huge argument because Hailey told Danica that me and Brian were going to get married, and Danica said no way that was never going to happen because her mom said, "No way, no how, not over my dead body will he marry her." Nice, huh? Nice thing to put on the shoulders of a 6-year-old. So I can only imagine the reaction we are going to get out of Danica when we do decide to get married. Eli seems to be perfectly fine with the idea, all he said was, "Then you'll be my step-mom right?" No problems with it at all.

We got home around 8pm, Brian made the kids mac and cheese, and I took a bath. Danica told Brian, "I love your cooking daddy, thank you." Which is good, but do you think I've ever gotten a compliment for all the meals that I make? Nope. Brian stayed out in the living room watching the Incredibles with Danica, I went in our room and shut the door and watched TV. Peace and quiet.

Today: I was half tempted to call in today. But decided against that because I knew I wouldn't even get to sleep in, so I wasn't going to waste one of my sick days just to be woken up and then not even get to relax for the day. So I got up and came to work. I told Brian that he needed to call his attorney and find out what happened with getting Amanda served with the contempt papers, I text him to ask him if he did it, but he didn't answer me. After work, I'm going home, and then he can take the kids on that god-awful drive back to Greeley. I'm not going.

We also got a status report from the CFI. I guess she's been trying to meet with Amanda for the past month, but Amanda keeps cancelling, so they're appointment is set for Wednesday, and then the CFI said she'll need 3 more weeks to complete her report. They do have a phone conference on Friday with the judge though. This just drags on and on and on and on. We also found out that Amanda is gonig to be moving to Fort Collins. That's even further than Greeley. I told Brian something's got to change with this whole transportation bit, because I'm sick and tired of using my car and time every other week to get the kids. And soon, the distance will be even more. They've also been trying to come to an agreement about summer visitation. Amanda wants to do one week on and one week off. I told Brian if we (meaning I) continue to do all the driving it needs to be two weeks on and two weeks off. Hopefully they'll come to an agreement on the phone conference on Friday, knowing Brian he'll just bend to whatever Amanda wants.

Well, I guess I better get back to work now. Adios.
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