May 21, 2008 09:59

Well me and Brian got in our first HUGE fight yesterday... I don't want to re-hash it, but it was ugly... I think all the bickering we did all weekend finally spilled over, which brought up past crap, etc. etc. But we made it through... I was worried there for awhile, but we finally came to a resolution, and are back on track... Even slept in the same bed last night (LoL).

Tomorrow is my little brother, Wes's, high school graduation, so Brian and I took the day off. We have to go pick up his balloons and cake and take it to the restaurant where he's having his graduation dinner and then head to the ceremoney...

Then Friday I took a half day because I thought Brian's court hearing was actually at the courthouse, but aparently it's another stupid phone conference (since Amanda's bitch ass never shows up for court). But I already requested the half day, so I'm taking it.

And then it's a 3-day weekend! Woot woot!

Well, I'll keep it short and sweet. Toodles!
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