(no subject)

Jul 10, 2014 21:59

tcn is just heartache so much heartache there is something about that family that makes me really emotional and really thankful all at once it's like a pink happy glow cloud about to rain because it holds so much it makes me want to cry and i just really need to dump this here because in this shitty last bit where i am thoroughly spiritually wasted mentally numbed dazed weijing's post about tcn makes me want to cry i have never missed something in the past this much never ever ever

ok i will embark on the last bit of bio god i need to get out of here very soon / i thought 5 months was just long/short enough to sort things out and end nicely but right now it feels way too long i am very very tired even my tears make my eyes hurt in a very acidic way ok ok. i will post properly about this someday and sort out my emotions.

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