Sep 25, 2003 17:10
i havent updated forever
but i dont want my LJ to disappear
like i thought it did when i logged in
this is not gonna be an interesting entry
b/c im just using it to keep my LJ alive
i dunno if posted this but...
my mom is being "difficuLt"
and she doesnt want me having a LJ bc
she "doesnt like the thought of it"
which is so dumb
cuz i loved my LJ
but i think im gonna start keeping up w/ it again
i made myseLf a bLurty
but i onLy updated once.
its just not the same.
oh weLL...
i just tried to mow the lawn
but i think i accidentaLLy put the wrong kinda gas crap in it
it onLy takes straight gas
and i think the gas i put in was gas and oiL
oops...oh weLL ill ask my mom when she gets home
its aLmost friday !
ok i just decided i NEED to start up the LJ again
ive been missing out !
but im gonna go
see yah aroooooounD.
--the lost LJ user
[im coming back soon tho! dont worrY krist ! :)]
p.s. guess wat i found !
the lyrics i was looking for for so long !
but eveRybodY thinks that everyBodY knows
aBout everyboDy eLse but nobodY knows
anYthing abouT themseLves
beCause they're aLL worried about eveRybody eLse
okaY im done !