work work work and ... more work

Oct 18, 2003 10:59

aLL ive been doing lateLy is working
my mom just ran to the bank and i gave her a bunch of checks and moneY
so todaY i put in aLmost 500 bucks
im sLowLy making my waY towards a car
i just need to save up for another month or so
but i dont know how long i can take working like 4-5 daYs a week
oh weLL...

me and urbaY are like prettY much together now
i guess we are together like minus the "bf/gf" titLe
im happY
like @ first i was kinda unsure if he liked me or not
but now i think that he does :)
but its stiLL kiLLing me
b/c for once i cant teLL my mom about him
im going to teLL her soon but have to wait for the right time
b/c of everything that happened and stuff

okaY i had the WEIRDEST dream last night
i guess like me joy and jenna drove to my nannYs
but on the waY there jenna drove and joY sat in the front
cuz i had to sit in the back and feed kellyn icecream or something
so i dunno wat we did @ nannYs but i remember as we were leaving
i saw her and she had like BRIGHT pink lipstick on
and it was like aLL around her mouth...didnt look to pretty
but oh yeah i wanted to drive home and joy and jenna were argueing over who got the front
and i was saYing how joy got it on the way there so jenna got it home
[i have the weirdest dreams...just bear w/ me]
somehow i guess jenna wanted to of course jenna GoT to drive
and it was my moms car i think she just like wouldnt get out of the seat or something
but she was driving wicked like fast and not carefuL @ all
and like its not even her own car so ... i dunno
but i was like telling her to pull over and she wouldnt
and shes like theres no where to go so we wouLd like pass pLaces
and im like JENNA just go right there so finaLLy she pulled right behing a bus
and i got out and i was like getting wicked mad and i was like
get out of the fucking car ! but she wouldnt
and then she rammed right into the back of the bus
so then me joY and jess, how she got there i dont know
went into the subwaY across the street
jenna was no where to be found
and then peter smith came in the pLace w/ him mom ??
and i dunno i remember something about me having to go into my car
to get $1.25 which was a gaLant...urbaYs car but it was mine in my dream
so then something happened and i started roLLing backwards down the street
and i thought i was gonna die
then i was back in subwaY but i like couldnt touch the floor cuz there was a ghost
soi was like jumping on chairs
i dunno im wieRd

i had a weird dream last night too
cuz the daY before yesterday this ladY @ work was like telling me aLL her like sex fantasies
and then that night i had this dream and i like set my house on fire
i was married and like i had this firefighter outfit on
...weiRd nothing happened cuz my mom woke me up right after i started the fire

but yeah i think the reason i was so pissed off @ jenna in my dream
is cuz like lateLy she has been reaLLy bothering me
like i love her to death shes one of my best friends
but i dunno if we've just been hanging out too much or
weLL actuaLLy aLot of ppL agree w/ wat i think so i dont think its cuz of that
but she just thinks that she can saY and do watever the heLL she wants
and nothing wiLL matter just cuz .shes jenna.
i think she wants ppL to think shes a bitch
cuz shes said before that she like wants ppL to fear her
and im aLways like, jenna no one fears you.
its one thing if you a bitch to ppL you dont know or w/e
but we are her friends and she aLways has an attitude and stuff
your not supposed to treat your friends like shit cuz then you wont have any
and me jes and joY are kind of aLL just gonna back awaY aLittLe
like not start anything just not taLk to her when shes in that kinda mood
and onLy taLk to her when shes nice
i dunno if kristie wiLL do it...shes just too nice :) but we wiLL see
i mean i did it yesterday i just didnt sit w/ her in comp. or historY
adn then i taLked to her in like studY and stuff cuz she was being nice to me there
but like i dunno just aLot of things are just inappropriate
AND whiLe im going off aLready i might as weLL finish
she doesnt appreciate ANything her parenst give her, seriousLy
theY paY/paid for her car, her ceLL phone, her insurance, her cLothes
and anything eLse she needs
and her birthdaY is in acoupLe daYs
and we were taLking yesterday about wat she wanted
and shes like i want a credit car
and i was like oh yeah, just have your dad set up a debit card for you
and just have him put in acoupLe hundred bucks to start you off as your present
and she couLd just put moneY that she saves from working in there too
adn then shes like no, i want like a reaL credit card
and i was like jenna, you dont have enought moneY to PaY for a REAL credit card
she onLy wants to work 10 hours a week, no more...
but i was like jenna whos gonna paY for that
and shes like my parents
and i was like then that wotn be a bdaY present
that wiLL be like an aLL year present
and shes like i know.
and i was like, then that wiLL just be one more thing that your parents hand to you
and you dont paY for...and again shes just like i know.
i was just like, you dont NEEd a credit card
and you shouLdnt have one unLess you can handLe it yourseLf

but now that ive taLked about jenna for like 5 minutes
oh yeah and one more thing sorrY
its just aLot of things have been bugging me
she was saying how ive been working so much lately
and how i dont get to do anything w/ my friends anymore bLa bLa bLa
and i was like i know, but i want a car so untiL then iLL just have to like wait or w/e
and shes like weLL, id rather have fun than have a car
and i was just like, you cant even saY anything cuz youve aLwaYs had a car
youve never had to save moneY
and you can aLwaYs go out and have fun
[which is why your grades suck]
but she reaLLy cant even saY anything about rather having fun that a car
cuz she doesnt know !
and aLL she taLks about is coLLege this coLLege that...
she love the whoLe coLLege life thing
but the onLy coLLege shes gonna get into is quinsig
she technicaLLy hasnt even passed 11th grade yet
and shes not doing too good this year
and i try and be a good friend and be like its not that hard
like even if, since me and her are in pretty much all the same cLasses
we couLd like do hw after schooL @ her house together or something
i dont know, just trying to heLp
and shes like, the more ppL saY stuff to me the more it makes me not want to do my work
and thats EXACTLY how i was last year
and it got me no where
she needs to like step back into reaLitY b/c shes gonn have to staY back if she doesnt start working
and she hates aLL the juniors now
this sounds bad but i want her to like have to staY back so she reaLizes
shes needs to do her work...but i dotn want her to staY back
it hink mr. vb has to like have a serious taLk w/ her or something
and reaLLy scare her
not that i shouLd even be worrying aout this but like she is my friend
but she doesnt listen to me or anyone eLse that tries to heLp her

not to like trash taLk jenna
everything i saY in here
i wouLd say to her face but i dunno

work tonite 430-cLose
so hopefuLLy not too late

but im gonna go take a shower
i wanna go see schooL of rock todaY before i work
i caLLed meL and liz cuz we havent hung out in forever
so i thought it wouLd be good if we like went to the movies or soemthing
but neither of them are answering there phones so...
oh weLL iLL taLK later

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