i cheated ...

Aug 23, 2003 15:33

You are Snow White!

What Disney Princess are you?
brought to you by Quizilla

CONFESSION : i cheated on this quizzie thing
so that i couLd get snowhite on purpose
but its onLy b/c i am snowhite
since one of my last names is SNOW

know wat i love ?
newlyweds w/ nick and jessice
i love that show
and since im grounded right now
ive seen the first episode like 7 times !

i went to the maLL today
weLL i went to wet seaL today
cuz thats the onLy store i go to @ the maLL
i got ...
a pair of shorts
a beLt to match the shorts
a reaLLy cute pink schooL girLy skirt
--but its too big so i need to get it fixed
a 3/4 shirt, the sleaves are like see-throughish. i like it
annnd. this cooL zipper up sweatshirt thing
and then i ran outa money...
so thats the end of my maLL trip

this isnt much of an update but
who caRes.

schooL is starting in 4 daYs
i cant wait
1. we are gonna ruLe the schooL
2. i get ungrounded
3. im gonna be a SENIOR
i cant think of any other good reason right now so

i think my parents get mad when theY ground me b/c
somehow i aLways windup seeing ppL anyways
like jenna came over yesterday for alittle whiLe
joy came over the other day
i taLked to derek the other daY up in the parking lot for alittle while
i was out on the jetski and i saw jimmy and jeff out on their jetskis too
and they stopped by for alittle whiLe
i saw meL acoupLe times
and i dunno if i saw anyone eLse but i cant take not being abLe to do anything
i hate being grounded
but i wiLL for once admit i did deserve it so..

i dunno im gonna go caLL urbaY
so i wiLL talk later

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