I need home for a rest...

Nov 28, 2005 21:12

i'm so sick of everything

i m over busy, over tired, over stressed, over EVERYTHING, i knew this term would be hell, but this is REALLY hell, it s just beyond everything...

c'est a se demander si tout ce qu'on nous demande de faire est humainement possible...
  • F***ing chairman who gave me two classes to teach the very first term I ever teach...
  • stupid lazy kids who dont come to class and then write to you and expect you to give them extra tutoring to go over what they missed because they f***ing slept in!!!!!!! (well, that applies to one of them only... and of course, he's the worst of them all, ce qui n'arrange rien)
  • F***ing evaluations i get freaked out about... this is so frustrating cause i'm pretty sure I would have done a better job if I had been given one class only...
  • unrealistic profs who think students only take the class they teach...

I dont sleep enough, dont eat enough, i lost weight, which might be the only good thing about the whole situation... which also means, shopping soon for new tight jeans !!!! YAY for spending money at malls

oh, and I bought a super nice and classy early winter jacket at Le Chateau... kinda expensive, but L. the guy working there, put it on hold for me until tax free day! :)) faut bien se faire un peu plaisir...

back to work....

i wanna cry
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