- Why do I have so much work?
- Why did I start working on that mid-term way too late?
- Why is it NOT gonna be written on due date?
- Why do I hate Jacques Derrida? He is just so fucking incomprehensible (is that an english word?) to me... it would be so much easier to write about authors you like...
- Why didnt I have the time to mark my quizzes ? Because of Jacques, obviously...
- Why didnt I have the time to watch more movies or read about them (which is what I really like and what I'm really interested in, and what I will eventually write about, and not f***ing JD...) ?
- Why do I have to tell my brother when i'm on the phone with him "I should go now I have so much work to do today" ?
- Why do I NOT have some time to relax?
- Why does one of my roomies piss me off SO BAD I wanna be really really bad and do everything he hates just because it would make me feel good?
- Why do I like bitching about everything whereas I should just shut up and do the work instead ?
- Why do I like WASTING TIME bitching (cause it IS a waste of time)?
- Why does it feel so good to bitch on LJ ? (this is the answer to previous question...)
There, I feel better now... a little bit...
I'm gonna get my prizze pack tomorrow !! This makes me feel better too...