Nov 28, 2005 21:28
My students know i wont be teaching next term.
today, we started the review (with the beginners) for their Xmas exam. I told them "I dont want you to just pass this exam, I want you to kick ass... and I want the prof who takes over next term to think that you guys are a good class"
and they started to ask why there will be another prof, which was kinda cute...
then one of them (nicknamed "cigarette baguette dijon" after the answer he gave in a cultural quizz when I asked what was the french motto...) said "Is it too late to drop this class?" why do u wanna to drop this class, you're doing well, it IS probably too late... and he said "I cant have another teacher" awwwwwwwwwwwww i said "are u gonna miss me?" and he said yes and a few others said "yes we will too"
It was so cute... i wanna bring them candies now... they BETTER give me damn good evaluations!!!!!!!!!!!
je peux pas en dire autant de l'autre groupe, enfin on verra...