Weird Fishes

Feb 27, 2008 09:45

Hellooooo Dolly! And hello LJ. I'm not sure if I like how LJ tells me how long it's been since I last posted. It really makes time seem as if it's passing faster than it feels. Not like time feels as if it's passing slowly. Not by a long shot. Every time I stop to think "What day is it?" another two weeks have slipped by unnoticed.

There's like a shitload of stuff to write about. I've been quite busy as work lately so I haven't had as much free time to just write in here. But that's the first BIG NEWS item to report on. I'm no longer a long-term temp, but an actual, factual, library assistant. Go me! One of my co-workers, who is brutally insane so I will go easy on her, thought she was going to be getting the job despite being a nuicance to everyone in the library. She even quit her job at another library because she was convinced, despite numerous complaints against her from EVERYONE, that she was going to get this job. Well, I got the job, and rightfully so. I've been on fucking fire lately at work. My sign-making has been better than usual and now with a class and more hours under my belt I'm getting more confident in my post. I'm no longer just some young kid working at the library, I'm actually working in a career field I want to be in. Again, go me.

That's the best news. Some not so great news comes to us from a few weeks ago. It was horribly rainy and somehow my really nice Samsung phone fell out of my purse and into a puddle. It wasn't even submerged, but they seriously don't make things like they used to, and lo and behold, it doesn't work anymore. This caused a major panic in me and I ended up freaking out at my therapist's office. She's never seen me have an anxiety attack so she had no idea that I always breath the way I do when I'm freaking out. But she had to cover her ass so she called an ambulance and the brought me to the emergency room. The whole ordeal only took about 3 or 4 hours, a fucking record when dealing with emergency rooms, and they let me go home with a slight medication adjustment which seems to be working. End of story.

Those are basically the two major occurences I wanted to record in here. I'm not feeling too awake right now and I really just want to zone out and look at shoes for Laura and Richard's wedding.

Until next time, yadios!
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