Apr 09, 2008 12:00
Just a quick update as I have lost my LJ writing muse but have fantastic and not so fantastic news that I needed to document in here.
For the bad news: Smokey (Smotekey) has arrived at the near end of his existence, mere days left of his life. He has prostate cancer and is in a lot of pain. My brother-in-law is taking him to the vet tomorrow for a status check, but I will be saying my goodbyes then, just in case he doesn't make it through the weekend.
However, one life comes to an end as another begins... MY SISTER IS PREGNANT!!!! I'm going to be an auntie! That is so badass.
So it's a mixed bag of emotions of course, as most things usually are. The height of thrills only ushers in dissapointment and terror- "this isn't the outcome we wanted" and something goes wrong. Or maybe it's just the end of one thing and the beginning of another.
In the words of Bright Eyes, "the scales always find a way to level out."
Other good news: I have made a few great Goodwill scores, mostly from the Goodwill in Merrit Island, Florida. Chester, Santa, and I went to Cocoa Beach a week or two ago. Smoked in the bathroom. Fended off drunken generic girls named "Nicole" and a boy named "Peter." Did they make those names up? Maybe they were alibis. I wouldn't tell strangers my whole life story, even if drunk. Just elaborate details that are probably not true.
I am at work at this very moment, and it is quiet. I do'nt mind, but I didn't take a pep pep pill this morning so my ass is dragging. Not to mention this dog-tail headache I have- like a dog's thick tail keeps hitting me in hte back of the head. That's a hangover.
Hangover + no pep pills = Naptime ASAP and low productivity
Just don't tell the boss! This is like stream of consciousness writing here, I'm just letting my fingers fly because I'm in a numb loop and this mild physical activity feels pleasant.
My dad and I have been "bonding" over smoking. It's pretty funny. I never foresaw that one happening. He keeps my secrets, I keep his. Unless it's lucrative for me to rat him out, but I can't see that happening. We are a united front against each other and the spiritual black cloud that is my mother. Walking into a room, her energy and inner chaos rips at the delicate mesh of silence we have worked so hard to create. Shut up! Shup, dawg!!
Dudes, I have to go catalog some terrible movies we just got at the library. Until next time, or another 6 weeks, adios!
Oh! P.S. Cycomonkey, if you are reading this, please call or text me as I have lost your number in the madness of replacing cell phones.