'Cause at night the sun in retreat | made the skyline look like crooked teeth

Jun 20, 2009 18:14

Characters: Evie O'Connell, Kara Thrace, and Spike
Rating: PG
Time Period: Modern
Location: The Library --> Octagonal Door
Relative Date: After this and this, very late at night
Status: Closed, please PM to join


Kara elected to stay behind while Anastacia and Castiel took off for parts unknown. She'd really wanted to go along - action beat sitting back and reading any day - but there was something the tactician in her telling her they'd missed. If she'd learned anything from Bill Adama it was that you needed the facts before you went into battle, and Kara knew she didn't have all the facts. Hell, she'd only just met her first, real angel. Who knew what else could be out there?

Of course, without Castiel, she couldn't read the glyphs in the ancient book Anastacia had lugged up from that awful room below. And while the maps of the castle were interesting, Kara doubted she had the time to pour over twelve books filled with drawings looking for something she couldn't even identify. Still, she was hardly going to leave a message on the network asking for help if she didn't even know what it was she wanted help with, so she kept looking through the books, hoping she'd hit upon something intuitively.

evelyn o'connell, kara thrace, spike

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