Volume 003, Issue 157

Nov 17, 2008 12:44

Volume 003, Issue 157
This issue covers Nov 15 in crossover fandom.

All fan fiction has been listed at least twice, once for each fandom represented in the story. As the lists are very long, lj cuts have been implemented. Enjoy!

welshchicky recced a music video: SPN/SV: Chloe/Dean.

gomezvsrufio posted a comic: Spiderman/Garfield.



Angel: the Series:
katsa_db_lover wrote Grey Angel 4/?: NC17, AtS/SPN: Dean/Spike

romanceguru wrote The Powers That Be, Part 16/?: R, Firefly/AtS: River/Marcus

Anita Blake:
mhalachaiswords wrote Dawning Light, Chapter 14: PG, BtVS/Anita Blake

Buffy: the Vampire Slayer:
softbluebuddy wrote Watching-Asking-Doing: NC17, BtVS/SPN: Sam/Dean, Dean/Spike

selana505 wrote Inner Demon: NC17, TW/BtVS: Jack/Spike

mhalachaiswords wrote Dawning Light, Chapter 14: PG, BtVS/Anita Blake

storydivagirl wrote A Gypsy Lost in the Twilight Zone: PG, SPN/Charmed: gen

Dirty Sexy Money:
turnonmyheels wrote This Is Hardcore: NC17, Dirty Sexy Money/Gossip Girl: Jeremy Darling/Chuck Bass, Jeremy Darling/Nola Lyons

black_eyedgirl wrote All About the Next Four Years: R, West Wing/Entourage: Josh, Ari Gold

romanceguru wrote The Powers That Be, Part 16/?: R, Firefly/AtS: River/Marcus

anna_bird & sasha_feather wrote The Legend of the Browncoats and the Shining City: R, Firefly/SGA: Ronon/Zoe, John/Rodney, Kaylee/Simon

zannes wrote Pagan Gods, Part 8: PG, SPN/Firefly: Dean/Sam

Gossip Girl:
turnonmyheels wrote This Is Hardcore: NC17, Dirty Sexy Money/Gossip Girl: Jeremy Darling/Chuck Bass, Jeremy Darling/Nola Lyons

a205204 wrote Listen: PG13, SPN/Heroes: Sylar, Angela, Dean, HRG

hermione_vader wrote Apocalypse, Soon: PG13, SPN/Heroes: Claude/Dean

burntsm0re wrote One Night in Broadmoor: NC17, SGA/Numb3rs: Evan Lorne/Colby Granger

One Tree Hill:
crazybe wrote Love Doesn't Ask Why, Part 2: T, OTH/SPN: Dean/Haley

Queer as Folk (US):
softbluebuddy wrote Dean and Sam Go to Babylon: R, QaF(US)/SPN: Sam/Dean, Brian/Justin

pen37 wrote Endgame, 10/11: PG, SPN/SV: Dean/Chloe, Sam/Sarah

fonapola wrote Crossing Kansas: Keeping Touch: NR, SV/SPN

spastic_visions wrote World Behind Windows, 1/?: PG13, SPN/Dark Angel: gen

sarcastic_fina wrote Hitchhikers and Pie: NC17, SPN/SV: Chloe/Dean

revivingophelia wrote Running on Empty, Part 8/?: R, SPN/SV: Chloe/Dean

sarcastic_fina wrote Rocky Reunion: T, SPN/SV: Chloe/Dean

Stargate: Atlantis:
anna_bird & sasha_feather wrote The Legend of the Browncoats and the Shining City: R, Firefly/SGA: Ronon/Zoe, John/Rodney, Kaylee/Simon

burntsm0re wrote One Night in Broadmoor: NC17, SGA/Numb3rs: Evan Lorne/Colby Granger

a205204 wrote Listen: PG13, SPN/Heroes: Sylar, Angela, Dean, HRG

storydivagirl wrote A Gypsy Lost in the Twilight Zone: PG, SPN/Charmed: gen

katsa_db_lover wrote Grey Angel 4/?: NC17, AtS/SPN: Dean/Spike

softbluebuddy wrote Dean and Sam Go to Babylon: R, QaF(US)/SPN: Sam/Dean, Brian/Justin

softbluebuddy wrote Watching-Asking-Doing: NC17, BtVS/SPN: Sam/Dean, Dean/Spike

pen37 wrote Endgame, 10/11: PG, SPN/SV: Dean/Chloe, Sam/Sarah

fonapola wrote Crossing Kansas: Keeping Touch: NR, SV/SPN

spastic_visions wrote World Behind Windows, 1/?: PG13, SPN/Dark Angel: gen

sarcastic_fina wrote Hitchhikers and Pie: NC17, SPN/SV: Chloe/Dean

neutraldeviance wrote Revelations (Part 3): NC17, SPN/X-Men: Sam/Dean, Sam/Peter, Logan/Scott/Jean, Bobby/Marie

crazybe wrote Love Doesn't Ask Why, Part 2: T, OTH/SPN: Dean/Haley

revivingophelia wrote Running on Empty, Part 8/?: R, SPN/SV: Chloe/Dean

hermione_vader wrote Apocalypse, Soon: PG13, SPN/Heroes: Claude/Dean

zannes wrote Pagan Gods, Part 8: PG, SPN/Firefly: Dean/Sam

sarcastic_fina wrote Rocky Reunion: T, SPN/SV: Chloe/Dean

selana505 wrote Inner Demon: NC17, TW/BtVS: Jack/Spike

The West Wing:
black_eyedgirl wrote All About the Next Four Years: R, West Wing/Entourage: Josh, Ari Gold

neutraldeviance wrote Revelations (Part 3): NC17, SPN/X-Men: Sam/Dean, Sam/Peter, Logan/Scott/Jean, Bobby/Marie

We don't pretend that what you see in this newsletter covered everything in the world of crossovers on Live Journal for the dates in question, though we have done our best. Please feel free to comment with suggestions on ways to improve the newsletter. Also, please let us know of any content we have overlooked or if any of the links are broken.


gossip girl, buffy, supernatural, anita blake, x-men, entourage, torchwood, numb3rs, stargate: atlantis, smallville, west wing, dirty sexy money, one tree hill, heroes, charmed, queer as folk, firefly, angel

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